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JMC Member: Javier Arregui

Role: Academic Coordinator

Degree/Master: MA of Research in Political Sciences (UPF) and Erasmus Mundus EPS Master 

Years of Execution: 2007-2024

The Consequences of the European Integration on EU Citizens

This seminar course is oriented to Masters students who would like to do research on EU politics and/or wish to substantively improve their knowledge and understanding on the policy outputs (and their political consequences) produced by the EU governance. It focuses on discourses on institutions, democracy, policy-making and public policy. The approach of the course is to establish a substantive link between the theoretical, empirical and normative analysis of the European Union policy process. The course analyses the modes of governance in Europe. The focus of the course rests on the existing relationship between institutions and the outputs of the public policies implemented in the EU.

JMC Member: Javier Arregui

Role: Academic Coordinator

Degree/Master: Elective post-graduate course in the MA in Public and Social Policy 
(UPF/Johns Hopkins Centre) 


The European integration process and its economic and social impact

To know the functioning of the European political system, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the public policies that are elaborated and decided in Brussels, as well as the political logic of why states have decided to transfer those policies to Brussels. The main objective of the course is that students have a systematic knowledge of the governance model that exists in Europe at the end of the course, as well as the main results of the public policies that it implements.

JMCoE Member: Javier Arregui

Role: External professor

Degree/Master: MA in European Integration (UAB)

Years of Execution: Since 2016

Policy-making in the European Union

The purpose of this module is to introduce students with the history and institutional processes of the European Union, as well as to provide them with theoretical and methodological tools that are required for studying the process of European Integration. The module is intended to help students successfully write a research paper and develop research skills for PhD applications. The module overviews the different phases of European Integration, the modes of EU governance and the different conceptualizations applied to EU policy, politics and policies. The module is divided in a set of thematic lectures by professors from the UAB and visiting scholars from other universities.