Back What do you know about the European Union? - Interactive game

What do you know about the European Union? - Interactive game

On May 30th 2023, members of the European Union Society participated in the interactive game "What do you know about the European Union?" created by Concepció Muñoz (Documentalist of the European Documentation Center of the Autonomous University of Barcelona).



On May 30th 2023, members of the European Union Society participated in the interactive game "What do you know about the European Union?" created by Concepció Muñoz (Documentalist of the European Documentation Center of the Autonomous University of Barcelona). The event took place at room 40.S01, Campus Ciutadella, UPF (18:30 PM).

It was a fun and hands-on learning experience in which participants had to answer multiple-choice quizzes about the European Union and its institutions. We would like to thank Concepció Muñoz for the creation of the Kahoot and we are looking forward to working with her in the near future.





Profiles of the protagonists:

Concepció Muñoz


SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
