Back Johns Hopkins University Collegiate Model United Nations Conference (HopMUNC I)

Johns Hopkins University Collegiate Model United Nations Conference (HopMUNC I)

Between April 19-21, 2024, will take place the first ever Johns Hopkins University collegiate Model United Nations conference being hosted in Washington, DC.


Imatge inicial

The inaugural conference will be hosted in collaboration with the School of Advanced International Studies and the Program in International Studies at the Krieger School of Arts & Sciences. HopMUNC I brings together a collection of high-quality committees, fun-filled events in and around the capital, and a myriad of opportunities for professional development. To learn more, please review the following website.

Registration for the conference is currently open, and as a part of this first ever conference experience, the collective delegation fee has been waived! Feel free to contact [email protected] if there are any questions. 

We hope to see you at HopMUNC I this April!





SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
