ES criterio de evaluación / CAT criteri d’avaluació / FR critère d’évaluation / DE Bewertungskriterie

From a perspective in which assessment is seen as communication that should improve learning, criteria for assessment are an accurate description of the characteristics or parameters that are valued positively in a learned performance or product. They are thus considered readjusting, mediating tools that make it easier for learners to successfully carry out the tasks that are being assessed. Therefore, the criteria must be known throughout the process of performing the task: they result from negotiation and agreement and must be transparent and understandable to all the agents implied (i.e., students and teachers). From this point of view, the criteria for assessment are the learning goals of a didactic sequence.

The CEFR (2018), for instance, states that the pragmatic competence comprises six assessment criteria: flexibility, taking the floor (turn-taking), thematic development, coherence, propositional precision, and spoken fluency. In relation to plurilingual discourse competence, the criteria are described on the basis of the properties characterizing each one of the discourse genres that are being taught and learned. Therefore, these criteria are related to the different dimensions of analysis of the genres, namely the sociocultural, the pragmatic, and the textual dimensions. These criteria are collected under assessment tools, which are created for each learning activity, and need to be broken down into indicators of achievement.


  • Atienza, Encarna (1998). Propuesta de evaluación del texto escrito en Enseñanza Secundaria. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, tesis doctoral en línea:
  • Consejo de Europa (2018). Common European framework of reference for languages: learning, teaching, assessment. Companion volume with new descriptors. Estrasburgo: Council of Europe Publishing. Disponible en
  • Veslin, Odile y Jean Veslin (1992). Corriger des copies: évaluer pour former. París: Hachette.
  • Ribas, Teresa (coord.)(1997). L'avaluació formativa en l'àrea de llengua. Barcelona: Graó.