Obtaining your degree certificate step by step

How to apply for your PhD degree certificate

Click here to request your PhD degree.


Economic considerations:

The price of the degree certificate issuance fee is established yearly by the Prices Decree of the Generalitat of Catalonia. For the current academic year, the price is:

- Ordinary fee: 218,15€

IMPORTANT, if you benefit from any kind of tax exemption: Before recording the data that the computer application shows by defect, verify that these are correct, especially if you benefit from any tax exemption on the fee of the degree certificate issuance (large family, disabled person, valid on the application date). If the corresponding discount does not appear, you must contact the secretary of your studies.


Payment by Bankcard

The payment is done through TPV (with a valid credit or debit card); once you have paid, you have to continue with the procedure by clicking on "Continuar", and never shutting down the application with your web browser. If you have any problem with the charge of the payment of the degree certificate on your account please get in contact with Academic Management Service by CAU or by mail to [email protected].


Provisional degree certificate:  Degree Replacement certificate

Once the virtual procedure is completed, as you may see in the user's guide, two documents will appear displayed for downloading and printing:

- The receipt of the degree certificate application
- The degree replacement certificate

The degree replacement certificate is a document that substitutes the final degree certificate and has the same legal effects.

If you have to send you degree replacement certificate to a foreign institution, this should be previously legalised. In this case, you should contact the Academic Management Service (SGA) by means of the User Support Centre (CAU) or by mail to [email protected] and inform them to which place your degree replacement certificate should be sent. 


Access to the application

Follow the instructions that are shown in the screen, as explained in the User's guide.

Click here to request your degree certificate.*

If during the process of application of the degree certificate the message "No hi ha títols disponibles per sol·licitar" shows up you will have to contact the secretary of your studies



In this case the on-line application will not be possible and you will have to send to [email protected] the following documents:

-PhD application form filled out.

-Scanned image/copy of your current national identity card or passport

- If it is the case, scanned image/copy of the documentation that entitles you to be exempt from the payment of the degree certificate issuance tax (large family, disabled person, valid on the application date).