What are doctoral studies?

General information

Doctoral studies aim to provide students with advanced training in research techniques. This also involves the preparation and presentation of a doctoral thesis, which needs to be an original work of research. Pompeu Fabra University runs a series of doctoral programmes whose specific objectives are: to train researchers and form research teams to successfully address the challenges of new sciences, techniques and methodologies; to promote the training of the teaching faculty, and to perfect the professional, scientific, technical and artistic development of postgraduates.


Every doctoral programme offers a set of training activities, some of them devoted to first-year students and some other aimed at all the students in the programme. These activities will be reflected in the PhD Student's Activity Document.


The deadline to submit the doctoral thesis is three academic years since the student was admitted to the doctorate, with the possibility of being granted an extra academic year.

Tutor / thesis supervisor

The academic committee of the doctorate will assign a tutor to every PhD student (once they have been admitted). The tutor will be a doctor with accredited research experience and involved in the doctoral programme. Within six months from the first enrolment, the academic committee of the doctorate will assign to every student a thesis supervisor, which may or may not be the same as the tutor.