Back Transgang Training Seminar: Latino gangs and mediation processes in Milan: an ongoing research

Transgang Training Seminar: Latino gangs and mediation processes in Milan: an ongoing research

This thursday, 24/11 at 16h, we invite you to our TRANSGANG TRAINING SEMINAR: Latino gangs and mediation processes in Milan: an ongoing research. 


Arianna Zottarel from the University of Milano will present her ongoing research. Her research aims to investigate, in a comparative perspective, the evolution and rooting processes of street aggregations commonly referred to as Latino gangs, which from typically local experiences, arising in US cities, have become a transnational phenomenon, tracing an unprecedented path of dispersion in the new areas. The focus of the research is dedicated to the Milan area which, together with other European cities - such as Genoa, Barcelona and Madrid – represents one of the most interesting urban contexts in Europe.
In the light of a presence in the area that has lasted for two decades now, the ongoing mediation processes implemented by the various social actors in the area will be analyzed.

La investigación tiene como objetivo indagar, en una perspectiva comparada, los procesos de evolución y arraigo de las agregaciones callejeras comúnmente llamadas latin gangs, que a partir de experiencias típicamente locales, surgidas en ciudades estadounidenses, se han convertido en un fenómeno transnacional, trazando un camino de dispersión sin precedentes en las nuevas áreas. El foco de la investigación está dedicado al área de Milán que, junto con otras ciudades europeas -como Génova, Barcelona y Madrid- representa uno de los contextos urbanos más interesado de Europa. A la luz de una presencia en la zona que se prolonga desde hace dos décadas, se analizarán los procesos de mediación implementados por los distintos actores sociales de la zona.

Arianna Zottarel is a PhD student in Organized Crime Studies at the University of Milan. Her research activities have mainly focused on mafias in territories of non-traditional mafia presence, Italian and international organized crime, the role of women within mafia organizations, education of lawfulness, prison studies, violence and transnational youth gangs. Since 2016 she has been a member of the Monitoring Research Center on Organized Crime – CROSS at University of Milan. Among the publications: La mafia of the Brenta (Melampo, 2018); Education of lawfulness in juvenile prisons in Italy, in the Review of Studies and Research on Crime organized, V.5 N.2 (2019).


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