Documentary films
The documentary portrays the experience of a group of girls who were part of or were close to the two main Salvadoran gangs - the MS and B18. After spending time in prison, they participate in a string ensemble musical project, reinserting themself into civilian life.
Directed by: Marcela Zamora
Coordinators: Cádida Chévez & Margot Mecca
Produced by: Kino Glaz, Universitat Pompeu Fabra & TRANSGANG Project (ERC)
Principal Investigator: Carles Feixa.
AL-HOUMA DREAMS أحالم الهومة
Youth street groups are a universal phenomenon. This film is part of the TRANSGANG project, which investigates such groups as mediation agents, in twelve cities in southern Europe , North Africa and the Americas. In September 2022, a group of young people from Sidi Moussa (a shanty town in Salé - Rabat conurbation, Morocco) were invited to participate in a workshop to explain and filming their everyday life with their own mobile phones.
Directed by: Boris Svartzman.
Executive Producer: Margot Mecca
Coordinator: José Sánchez - García
Principal Investigator: Carles Feixa.
What would happen if we could be someone else for a moment and leave aside what we think is the core of ourselves for just a second? In a mimesis exercise, a group of young people from Medellín plays at exchanging part of their daily lives. Their only guide is one object and a set of instructions for living in that apparently alien world. While each of them visits and discovers the “new world” they have been assigned to, the group collectively builds the story of a fiction film where they play the main characters. During the creation exercise and by inhabiting the new skin, they discover that many of their stories are shared.
Participants: Guadalupe Higuita, Sandro Mesa Garcés -Alien 13, Margarita Caicedo Chaverra,Valentina Luna Román, Nerón Arkano, Yo soy Tatam (Jonathan Stiven Arroyo), Juan Esteban Aristizábal Grajales, Juan Esteban Restrepo Jiménez -"El gordo", Victoria García Sulvaran, Juan Pablo Mejía Gallego, Sandra Milena Cardona Madrid
Directed by: Luckas Perro & Yira Plaza
Executive Producer: Margot Mecca
Produced by: Universitat Pompeu Fabra & TRANSGANG Project (ERC)
Ethnographic accompaniment: Carles Feixa Pàmpols, Fúlvia Márquez Valderrama, Montserrat Iniesta.
Agadiri and Oussama, two Moroccan friends, laze around and survive while the camera scans their bodies and faces. Both have been in Spain for a short time and face a supposedly temporary situation, which must culminate in the definition of their future in the midst of the pandemic. But things are not that simple at all. Filmed indoors, Monte Tropic travels little by little towards a more undefined and dreamlike space to question the memories and desires of these young people, whose inactivity claims the right to be above the nefarious political use of their situation.
Participants: Oussama Kacimi, Abdoul Panam, Ayoub El Marnissi, Gissela Paredes González, Cesar Andrade (King Manaba), El Mejdi Habiby, Eduard Ballesté Isern, Margot Mecca, Derek Torrejón Gómez, Bairon González.
Directed by: Andrés Duque.
Executive Producer: Margot Mecca
Produced by: Universitat Pompeu Fabra & TRANSGANG Project (ERC)
Ethnographic accompaniment: Carles Feixa Pàmpols, Eduard Ballesté, Margot Mecca.
Conversaciones entorno a "Monte Tropic" #1 / Abdel Abdelkader El Kadiri Bellahyan y Oussama Kacimi
Conversaciones entorno a "Monte Tropic" #2 / Victor Bassas y Oussama Kacimi
Conversaciones entorno a "Monte Tropic" #3 / Eva Colomer y Susana González Jasse
Conversaciones entorno a "Monte Tropic" #4 / Cesar Andrade (King Manaba)
El documental que derriba los prejuicios hacia los menores no acompañados