The TRANSGANG Training Seminars (TTS) constitute the core and the meeting point of the activity of the researchers of the TRANSGANG project.
The seminars have an interdisciplinary vocation and are designed to facilitate deepening of specific aspects for the project researchers, as well as to become a forum for intellectual exchange between them. Following this vocation, two types of seminars have been planned: technical and scientific. The former seek to address specific issues related to ethical procedures, data protection and technical resources for the TRANSGANG Research Team. These seminars will last three hours, although their duration can be modified depending on the theme presented. For their part, the two-hour scientific seminars intend that the different researchers of the project share analysis and contextual aspects of the ethnographic locations, they will be open to the academic community, especially doctoral students. For this, in this second type of seminars, the participation of local researchers (LR) and visiting academics will be sought during the implementation of the project and in accordance with the research phase in which we find ourselves. The former seeks to address cross-cutting issues that will facilitate the tasks of comparative analysis. These seminars will last two hours, although their duration can be modified depending on the theme presented. All these seminars will be face-to-face and virtual, and open to the academic community, especially doctoral students, and the general public.


2023-05-03. Comparative Perspectives: Final Results. Carles Feixa, José Sánchez-García, Abel Beremenyi.

2023-04-19. Comparative Perspectives: Final Results: Americas. Carles Feixa, Fulvia Márquez, Candy Chévez, Ligia Lavielle, William D. Ross

2023-04-13. Comparative Perspectives: Final Results: North Africa. Jose Sánchez-García, Sihem Najjar, Kamel Boucherf, Rachid Touthou

2023-02-01. Comparative Perspectives: Final Results: South Europe. Abel Beremenyi, Eduard Ballesté, Maria Oliver, Paolo Grassi, Juan Mansilla



2022-12-21. Comparative Perspectives: Metaethnograpy. Carles Feixa, Abel Beremenyi, Jose Sánchez-García.

2022-11-24. Latino gangs and mediation processes in Milan: an ongoing research. Airanna Zottarel.

2022-11-03. TRANSGANG White Paper. Adam Brisley, José Sánchez.

2022-06-23. TRANSGANG & Tracce Urbane. Paolo Grassi, José Sánchez.

2022-05-19. Comparative Perspectives (Follow Up): Americas. Carles Feixa, Fulvia Márquez, Candy Chévez, Ligia Lavielle, William D. Ross.

2022-05-12. Comparative Perspectives (Follow Up): South Europe. Abel Beremenyi, Eduard Ballesté, Maria Oliver, Paolo Grassi, Juan Mansilla.

2022-04-28. Comparative Perspectives (Follow Up): North Africa. Jose Sánchez-García, Sihem Najjar, Kamel Boucherf, Rachid Touthou.

2022-04-22. Comparative Perspectives: First results using NVivo: Americas. Carles Feixa, Fulvia Márquez, Candy Chévez, Ligia Lavielle, William D. Ross

2022-03-18. Comparative Perspectives: First results using NVivo: South Europe. Luca Queirolo, Eduard Ballesté, Maria Oliver, Paolo Grassi, Juan Mansilla

2022-02-18. Comparative Perspectives: First results using NVivo: North Africa. Jose Sánchez-García, Sihem Najjar, Kamel Boucherf, Rachid Touthou

2022-01-19. Gender perspective in TRANSGANG analyses. Nele Hansen.

2021-11-25. Training NVivo para investigadores locales (castellano). NVivo Trainer. (Private Session)



2021-10-14. Latin Queens. Presencia, Agencia e Historia de las Reinas Latinas. María Oliver, William Ross.
2021-10-13. The Motherland: Gangs born in Chicago, raised outside Illinois and living overseas. William Q. Ross.
2021-10-13. Black Lives Matter. William Q. Ross.


2021-09-15. Special Issues IV: Gangs and social media: A systematic literature review and an identification of future challenges, risks and recommendations. Ariadna Fernández-Planells, Laura Pérez.

2021-07-14 ¿Feminismos decoloniales o decolonialidades feministas? Karina Ochoa, Brenny Mendoza; Maria Oliver.


2021-05-25. Decolonialidad, ciencias sociales y exclusión. Javier García Fernández; Jose Romero Losaco, Jose Sánchez-García.
2021-06-09. Concert. Ensamble Liberarte.

2021-06-03 Conversando con LiberArte. Carles Feixa, Julio Monge. 
2021-05-13. Perspectivas comparativas III: Grupos Juveniles de calle en las Américas. Carles Feixa, Fulvia Márquez, Candy Chévez, Ligia Lavielle, William D. Ross

2021-04-22. LEBAN Training Webinar III: ¿Legalizar las bandas? Ecuador (LTW-3). René Unda, Manuel Torres, César Andrade, David Brotherton.

2021-04-15  LEBAN Training Webinar II: ¿Legalizar las bandas? El Salvador (LTW-2). Alberto Martínez, Candy Chévez, Julio Monge, René Olate.

2021-04-08. LEBAN Training Webinar I: ¿Legalizar las bandas? España. Carles Feixa, María Oliver, Jose J. Navarro, Luca Queirolo.
2021-03-24. Special Issues III: Filmando grupos de calle: antropología visual y documentales. Margot Mecca, Andrés Duque, Marcela Zamora, Youssef Chebbi, Olatz Gonzalez Abrisketa

2021-01-15. Perspectivas comparativas II: Grupos Juveniles de calle en el Sur de Europa. Luca Queirolo, Eduard Ballesté, María Oliver, Paolo Grassi, Juan Mansilla.



2020-12-11. Perspectivas comparativas I: Grupos Juveniles de calle en el Magreb. Jose Sánchez, Kamel Bourcherf, Rachid Touhtouh, Sihem Najjar.

2020-11-19. Transversal Dimensions I: Representaciones mediáticas de los Grupos Juveniles de calle. Maria José Massanet, Maddalena Fedele, Hibai López-González



2020-10-15. Special Issues II: Making the Gangpedia: Haz tu propia aportación. Juan C. Mansilla. (Private Session)

2020-10-09. Special Issues I: Mediation and Public Policies in TRANSGANG project. Adam Brisley, Jorge Rodríguez Ménez, José Sánchez-García

2020-05-05. Formas de hacer justicia con bandas juveniles: Restauración o Represión, dos modelos contrapuestos. Raúl Calvo Soler, Elizabeth Fuentes.


2020-01-23. Investigando con Nvivo en TRANSGANG. Marta Sabariego (Private Session)



2019-11-27. Gangpedia: una plataforma para investigadores y pandilleros. Juan Mansilla.

2019-11-11. Meta-etnografia: Experiencies de Transmedia literacy i MYPLACE. Roger Soler. 

2019-10-11. La representación de los jóvenes en el cine. Alejandro Ventura.

2019-10-21. Ethics on TRANSGANG: Handbook for fieldworkers. Adam Brisley.

2019-10-04. La trayectoría de un rey. William Ross.

2019-07-22. The Youth, the Street and the State: an alternative perspective on Tcharmil in Morocco. Yousra Sandabad.

2019-07-18. (Trans) Gangs in Los Angeles. Randol Contreras.

2019-07-09. (Trans) gangs in Chicago. Esther Ortiz, Manuel Gines.

2019-05-27. Youth creating their own space within a colonized context: The Palestinian Case. Abeer Musleh. Jóvenes magrebíes o "moros", entre el estigma y la decolonialidad. Un conflicto latente. Celia Premat. Youth and Violence in Mena Countries. José Sánchez García.

2019-04-10. Transiciones de las pandillas en El Salvador: una perspectiva histórica y generacional. Candy Chévez.

2018-10-03. Linea del tiempo contextual Medellín. Jóvenes, miradas, violencias y convivencia. Fúlvia Márquez.
