Genomics Core Facility

Genomics Core Facility

Genomics Core Facility

Genomics Core Facility

Genomics Core Facility

Genomics Core Facility

Genomics Core Facility

Genomics Core Facility


The Genomics Core Facility at the UPF provides a wide variety of methods for DNA and RNA analyses. Available equipments include liquid handling robots to automate pipeting tasks, capillary sequencers for Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis, DNA quantification and quality control with Qubit, Picogreen and Bioanalyzer, real-time PCR and OpenArray system for absolute and relative quantification of nucleic acids (genotyping and gene expression), and two next-generation sequencing platforms from Illumina: MiSeq, ideal for targeted and small genome sequencing and NextSeq, a highly flexible platform performing a broad range of applications, from targeted resequencing to RNA profiling and whole-exome or genome sequencing.

The Genomics Core facility is also committed to research for the development of new technologies for genetic analysis. The laboratory develops its own research projects or in collaboration with other laboratories, mostly focusing on studies requiring the development of new laboratory methods for sample preparation. The projects include studies on rare diseases, degraded and non-invasive samples, small RNA or single cell sequencing.

The Genomics Core Facility also organizes courses on the new sequencing methodologies and pioneers some of their applications to medical genomics.

Genomics Core Facility

PRBB building (Mar campus)
Doctor Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona

 +34 93 3160846

[email protected]