

• Calls A, Torres-Espin A, Tormo M, Martínez-Escardó L, Bonet N, Casals F, Navarro X, Yuste VJ, Udina E, Bruna J. A transient inflammatory response contributes to oxaliplatin neurotoxicity in mice. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2022 Nov 11.

• Solís-Moruno M, Batlle-Masó L, Bonet N, Aróstegui JI, Casals F. Somatic genetic variation in healthy tissue and non-cancer diseases. Eur J Hum Genet. 2022 Oct 27

• Blanco-Picazo P, Gómez-Gómez C, Tormo M, Ramos-Barbero MD, Rodríguez-Rubio L, Muniesa M. Prevalence of bacterial genes in the phage fraction of food viromes. Food Res Int. 2022 Jun;156:111342

Casals F, Rasal R, Anglada R, Tormo M, Bonet N, Rivas N, Vásquez P, Calafell F. A forensic population database in El Salvador: 58 STRs and 94 SNPs. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 2022 Mar;57:102646



• Gil-Gómez G, Fassan M, Nonell L, Garrido M, Climent M, Anglada R, Iglesias M, Guzzardo V, Borga C, Grande L, de Bolós C, Pera M. miR-14-3p regulates CDX2 during intestinalization of cardiac-type epithelium in a human model of Barrett's esophagus. Dis Esophagus. 2021 Jul 12;34(7):doab005

• Solís-Moruno M, Mensa-Vilaró A, Batlle-Masó L, Lobón I, Bonet N, Marquès-Bonet T, Aróstegui JI, Casals F. Assessment of the gene mosaicism burden in blood and its implications for immune disorders. Sci Rep. 2021 Jun 21;11(1):12940

• Costa D, Bonet N, Solé A, González de Aledo-Castillo JM, Sabidó E, Casals F, Rovira C, Nadal A, Marin JL, Cobo T, Castelo R. Genome-wide postnatal changes in immunity following fetal inflammatory response. FEBS J. 2021 Apr;288(7):2311-2331



• Barrio PA, García Ó, Phillips C, Prieto L, Gusmao L, Fernández C, Casals F, Freitas JM, González-Albo MDC, Martín P, Mosquera A, Navarro-Vera I, Paredes M, Pérez JA, Pinzón A, Rasal R, Ruiz-Ramírez J, Trindade BR, Alonso A. The first GHEP-ISFG collaborative exercise on forensic applications of massively parallel sequencing. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 2020 Nov;49:102391

• Harding T, Milot E, Moreau C, Lefebvre JF, Bournival JS, Vézina H, Laprise C, Lalueza-Fox C, Anglada R, Loewen B, Casals F, Ribot I, Labuda D. Historical human remains identification through maternal and paternal genetic signatures in a founder population with extensive genealogical record. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2020 Apr;171(4):645-658.

• Kuderna LFK, Solís-Moruno M, Batlle-Masó L, Julià E, Anglada R, Ramírez E, Bote A, Tormo M, Marquès-Bonet T, Fornas Ò, Casals F. Flow sorting enrichment and Nanopore sequencing of chromosome 1 from a Chinese individual. Front Genet. 2020 Jan 9;10:1315.



• De Valles-Ibañez G, Esteve-Solé A, Piquer M, González-Navarro A, Hernández-Rodríguez J, Laayouni H, González-Roca E, Plaza-Martin AM, Deyà-Martínez A, Martín-Nalda A, Martínez-Gallo M, García-Prat M, del Pino L, Cuscó I, Codina-Solà M, Marquès-Bonet T, Bosch E, López-Granados E, Aróstegui JI, Soler-Palacín P, Colobrán R, Yagüe J, Alsina L, Juan M,  and Casals F. Evaluating the genetics of common variable immunodeficiency: monogenetic model and beyond. 2018. In press. Frontiers in Immunology.

The BIOMEPOC Project: Personalized Biomarkers and Clinical Profiles in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Arch Bronconeumol. 2018 Oct 18.



• Hernandez-Rodriguez J, Arandjelovic M, Lester J, de Filippo C, Weihmann A, Meyer M, Angedakin S, Casals F, Navarro A, Vigilant L, Kühl HS, Langergraber K, Boesch C, Hughes D, Marques-Bonet T. • The impact of endogenous content, replicates and pooling on genome capture from faecal samples. Mol Ecol Resour. 2017 Oct 23. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12728. [Epub ahead of print].

• Casals F, Anglada R, Bonet N, Rasal R, van der Gaag KJ, Hoogenboom J, Solé-Morata N, Comas D, Calafell F. Length and repeat-sequence variation in 58 STRs and 94 SNPs in two Spanish populations. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 2017 Sep;30:66-70.

• Mondal M, Bergström A, Xue Y, Calafell F, Laayouni H, Casals F, Majumder PP, Tyler-Smith C, Bertranpetit J.Y-chromosomal sequences of diverse Indian populations and the ancestry of the Andamanese. Hum Genet. 2017 May;136(5):499-510. 

• Spataro N, Roca-Umbert A, Cervera-Carles L, Vallès M, Anglada R, Pagonabarraga J, Pascual-Sedano B, Campolongo A, Kulisevsky J, Casals F, Clarimón J, Bosch E. Detection of genomic rearrangements from targeted resequencing data in Parkinson's disease patients. Mov Disord. 2017 Jan;32(1):165-169. 



• Calafell F, Anglada R, Bonet N, González-Ruiz M, Prats-Muñoz G, Rasal R, Lalueza-Fox C, Bertranpetit J, Malgosa A, Casals F. An assessment of a massively parallel sequencing approach for the identification of individuals from mass graves of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).Electrophoresis. 2016 Oct;37(21):2841-2847.

• Mondal M, Casals F, Xu T, Dall'Olio GM, Pybus M, Netea MG, Comas D, Laayouni H, Li Q, Majumder PP, Bertranpetit J. Genomic analysis of Andamanese provides insights into ancient human migration into Asia and adaptation. Nat Genet. 2016 Sep;48(9):1066-70.

• de Valles-Ibáñez G, Hernandez-Rodriguez J, Prado-Martinez J, Luisi P, Marquès-Bonet T, Casals F. Genetic Load of Loss-of-Function Polymorphic Variants in Great Apes. Genome Biol Evol. 2016 Mar 26;8(3):871-7. 

• E Bosch and F Casals: Next Generation Sequencing for Rare Disease. Book chapter in: Genome-Wide Association Studies: From Polymorphism to Personalized Medicine. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

F Casals and E Bosch. Next Generation Sequencing for Complex Disorders. Book chapter in: Genome-Wide Association Studies: From Polymorphism to Personalized Medicine. Cambridge University Press, 2016.


Past courses

  • Roche KAPA School - Workshop with hands on, at the Genomics Core Facility (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona). 07-09 June 2022. Organized by the Genomics Core Facility & Roche 


  • RNASeq - How low can you go? Organized by Werfen & New England Biolabs & Genomics Core Facility UPF. At the UPF, 27-29 May 2019.




  • Illumina & Verogen Forensic Genomics Workshop, at the Genomics Core Facility (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona). 20-21 March 2018. Organized by the Genomics Core Facility & Illumina&Verogen.


  • Illumina Forensics Workshop, at the Genomics Core Facility (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona). 22-23 November 2016. Organized by the Genomics Core Facility & Illumina. Program & Registration



  • Targeted resequencing for cancer studies. The solid tumor gene panel  Barcelona, 21-23 January 2015. Organized by the Genomics Core Facility & Illumina. Program.

Demo day

Demo day