New publication - Same money, different impact? The curving effect of European Structural and Investment Funds on EU support in Spain (1990–2019)
New publication - Same money, different impact? The curving effect of European Structural and Investment Funds on EU support in Spain (1990–2019)
New publication - Same money, different impact? The curving effect of European Structural and Investment Funds on EU support in Spain (1990–2019)
On December 17th, a new BACES journal article has been published in European Policy Analysis. The authors of the article are Dr. Javier Arregui (BACES Director and JMC EUGov Coordinator), Joel Cantó and Javier Baraibar (former BACES members).
As said in the abstract, the article investigates whether the positive impact of ESIF spending on EU attitudes also depends on the alignment of funding with the economic needs of recipient regions. It examines this issue with the Spanish case (1990–2019), employing a unique combined data set of Eurobarometer waves and regional NUTS-2 economic indicators. Its findings indicate that EU funds manage to decrease Euroscepticism only in laggard regions, which receive the lion's share of funds and allocate them to public goods easily perceived and communicated to the local population. Conversely, the effect of ESIF on transforming attitudes is absent in middle and high-income regions. The findings suggest a more complicated relationship between ESIF and EU support, which necessitates taking both individual and contextual factors into account.
If you are interested, you can find the full article in the following LINK.