Javier Arregui (BACES Director). He is currently a Full Professor in the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the Pompeu Fabra University with the profile of Political Science (European Politics). As a Professor, he has broad experience in teaching and researching on European Union politics, comparative politics and public policy. He has been awarded the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Governance three times (2016-2018, 2018-2021 and 2021-2024).
He received his PhD in Political Sciences from the Interuniversity Center for Social Science, Theory and Mehtodology (ICS) at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). Among other appointments, he has been a Research Fellow at ICS (1999-2004) and researcher at Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) - Madrid (1998-1999).
Fernando Guirao (BACES Deputy Director). Jean Monnet professor of History at the Department of Economics and Business, Pompeu Fabra University. Guirao was awarded a first Jean Monnet Chair in History in 1995, which became permanent in 2002 and ad personam since 2013. He has broad experience in teaching European economic and integration history.
He holds a B.A. degree in Modern and Contemporary History from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1986) and a PhD in History and Civilization at the European University Institute (1993). Since 1996 he is a member of the European Union Liaison Committe of Historians, a groups of professors established in 1982 to disseminate the research on the history of postwar Europe. He is also a member of the editorial board of the Journal of European Integration History, the only international scientific journal in the field of the history of European Integration.
Julia López López (Full Professor UPF). She is a Professor of Labor Law and Social Security Law at the Pompeu Fabra University since 1996 and researcher in the research group for labor and social security law (GREDTISS). She has also been a visiting scholar at the Nanovic Institute of the University of Notre Dame on an annual basis since 2003. She has been affiliated with the University of Rome, the University of Paris-Nanterre II, the Institute of European Studies of the Free University of Brussels and the University of Naples. She is also member of the steering committee of the Labour Law Research Network and was part of the organizing committee for the Inaugural Conference held in June 13-15, 2013 in Barcelona.
Currently, she is an expert evaluator of the ERC Starting Grant Call 2015 (European Research Council, 2015) and the Call "Grants and Fellowships 2016" (Fund for Scientific Research - FRNS, Belgium, 2016).
Joan Miró Artigas (Assistant Professor UPF). Joan Miró is an Assistant Professor in EU Politics & Policy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at Pompeu Fabra University. He received his PhD in Political Science from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 2019. He had previously worked at Milan University and Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) as postdoctoral researcher. His research interests lie in European integration, particularly the socioeconomic governance of the EMU, social policy, and international political economy, particularly in relation to globalisation and state transformations.
Concepció Muñoz (European Documentation Center, Autonomous University of Barcelona). She has been an academic librarian since 1998, and since 2002 she is the responsible information expert of the UAB European Documentation Center. Concepció is highly specialized in individual consulting, the design of online informaive and interactive content as well as dissemination activities related to the European Union and its policies. At the same time, she gives conferences and participates in publications about European topics. She has worked as ad-hoc consultant in the AL-INVEST EU programme and she is also academic coordinator of the MOOC Online Course "European Union: History, Institutions and Policies" (in Spanish).
Elena Prats (PhD Researcher). She is a qualified lawyer and a PhD candidate in Legal Philosophy at Uppsala University in cotutelle with the Law Faculty of Pompeu Fabra University. She is currently developing a theory to assess the legitimacy of citizenship-by-investment programs in the EU. A former visiting scholar at Max Planck Institute and the Tarello Institute for Legal Philosophy, Elena is the author of a few publications and the co-editor of two special issues at high-ranked journals.
Alessandra Zanetti (PhD Researcher and Research Assistant). Alessandra was selected for a Pre-PhD scholarship with BACES in June 2020. She now holds a position as research assistant in the field of History of European Integration. Furthermore, she has been enrolled in the UPF Phd programme in History since 2019. Previously, she also acquired a BA in Modern Literature and an MA in History and Oriental Studies at the University of Bologna. She also performed a research visit at the King's College in London (2018) while performing academic research for her MA Dissertation.
Her main line of research develops around a historical perspective over Eurosceptical feelings in the United Kingdom, their development in the late 1980s and the consequences that these had in Brexit. Her studies also focus on an alternative interpetation of the role of Margaret Thatcher in European Integration.
Nicolas Bicchi (PhD Researcher). Nicolas Bicchi is a PhD student in the department of political & social sciences of the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, under the supervision of Prof. Javier Arregui. His main research areas are legislative bargaining and elite behaviour in the European Union’s institutions and the effect of automation on the European political landscape. He holds a BA in Journalism from the University of Leeds and a Research Master’s in International Relations from the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI).
Daniel Navarro (Research Assistant). In 2023, Daniel joined BACES as a research assistant. He holds an MA in European Integration Studies from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and a degree in Law from the University of Girona. His MA final thesis focused on citizenship by investment schemes in the European Union. Between 2021 and 2022, Daniel did an internship at the European Documentation Center and joined the Jean Monnet Chair of European Policies of the UAB as a chair assistant.
Nil Barutel (PhD Researcher). Nil is currently a PhD candidate at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Javier arregui and Dr. Nicolás Barbieri (UIC). As part of his industrial PhD scholarship, he works as a policy-maker and cultural manager at ICUB, the Department of Culture of Barcelona City Council. His research focuses on the relationship between cultural policies and social cohesion, analysing different policy approaches from various European cities. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music (Erasmus Hogschool Brussel, Belgium) and a Master in Public and Social Policy (UPF in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University). He previously worked as a research assistant at JHU-UPF Policy Centre and as a manager and consultant for Generalitat de Catalunya, Liceu Opera House or Jaume Bofill Foundation. He has also given seminars at the Master’s in Public Policy, Mundus MAPP (IBEI) and Master in Social and Public Policy (UPF-JHU).
Marie-Thérèse Wilhelm (PhD Researcher). Marie-Thérése is a PhD candidate in the Political and Social Sciences Department at UPF, focusing on the implementation of European environmental legislation. She holds two BA degrees in Political Theory & Constitutional Democracy and French, with minor degree in Philosophy from James Madison College at Michigan State University. Marie-Thérèse obtained her Master’s degree in European and International Relations from Centre International de Formation Européen. She has studied in the United States, France, England, Germany, and the Netherlands. Marie-Thérèse has also worked with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in the Policies and Standards Branch as an Individual Consultant, and holds the qualification of Policy Officer in European and International Organizations recognized by the French state (level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework).
Augustin Huteau (PhD Researcher). Augustin has joined UPF as a PhD student in Economic History in 2022. He holds a BSc in Economics and Political Science from the University of Montreal (Canada, 2019). He obtained a Master’s degree in International Economics from the University of Barcelona in 2020, and a Master of Research in Economic History from the University of Paris I : Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2021.
He has studied in France, Canada, Argentina, Italy and Spain. His research interests include Economic History, Political Economy, Industrial Economics, and European Integration, with a special focus on industrial policies. He has worked for the Prime Minister of Canada during his studies at the University of Montreal.
Benedetta d'Argenio (BA Student): Benedetta is a 4th year student of the BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and she holds a Certificate in Project Management from Mesa Community College (Arizona, USA). Her main interests are the European Union’s economic governance, Economic and Monetary Union, EU Funds, and EU trade relations. She is the president of the Student Association of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics of the “Alianza 4 Universidades”, an active JEF member, a member of Equipo Europa, and a recent member of the EU Society at UPF.
Luis Maurin (BA Student): Luis is a 3rd year student of the BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). As a member of JEF Spain, he currently works as an organizer for the project "", an initiative spreading awareness on digital rights in the E.U.. His interests include European integration, constitutional affairs and digital rights. He is also a recent member of the EU Society at UPF.
Former Members
Clément Perarnaud (PhD Researcher)
Visnja Vukov (Assistant Professor)