European Union Society Event - The Barcelona European Debate
European Union Society Event - The Barcelona European Debate
The Barcelona European Debate. What promises for the future of young people?
This event, organized by the Ateneu Barcelonès and JEF Catalunya, in collaboration with the European Union Society (UPF), will have the participation of several MEPs from different nationalities and parliamentary groups, the Honourable Meritxell Serret, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Union of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and press from different countries and continents.
In addition, young people interested in the European elections will attend the debate in person, thus creating a space for direct contact and interchange with the young athlete on the issues and challenges facing the European Union in the future.
Date: April 11th, 2024.
Time: 17:00.
Venue: Sala Oriol Bohigas, Ateneu Barcelonès.