Back EUGOV Seminar - Presentation of Marie-Thérèse Wilhelm's paper

EUGOV Seminar - Presentation of Marie-Thérèse Wilhelm's paper

First EUGOV Seminar, 24/01/2024, Pompeu Fabra University, Jaume I building, room 20.283.


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The first EUGOV seminar took place on 24 January with the participation of 2 BACES members: Marie-Thérèse Wilhelm (PhD researcher) and Joan Miró (assistant professor). Marie-Thérèse presented the paper "Analyzing the Influence of Environmental Issue Salience on Environmental Policy Implementation in European Regions" while Joan was the discussant. The seminar took place at Pompeu Fabra University, Jaume I building, room 20.283 and was attended by other members of the EUGOV Research Group: Ana Mar Fernández-Pasarín (Director), Javier Arregui (BACES Director and JMC EUGov Coordinator), Nuria Font (Senior Research Fellow) and Andrea Noferini (Teaching staff).