Back Call for applications - Pasqual Maragall Awards 2024

Call for applications - Pasqual Maragall Awards 2024


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The Fundació Catalunya Europa has once again announced the Pasqual Maragall Arrival Awards, which aim to distinguish works on the thought and work of Pasqual Maragall and its relevance and adaptation to the present day. This year the award has three categories:

- Category Arrival. Aid to carry out a project in the 12 months following the awarding of the prize. Endowed with €4,000. To submit an application it is necessary to fill in the form.

- Master's Degree category. Prize for a final master's degree thesis presented in the 2023-24 academic year. Endowed with €1,000. To submit an application it is necessary to fill in the form

- Degree category.  Prize for a university degree final project presented in the academic year 2023-24. Endowed with 1.000 €. To submit an application, please fill in the following form.

The three categories will preferably value works related to the following topics:

  • Local policies or metropolitan governance.
  • The role of European citizenship or local and regional authorities in European integration.
  • Territorial cooperation in Europe and the Mediterranean.
  • The territorial model in the State.
  • The thought and action of Pasqual Maragall.

The deadline for the submission of the work is 15 July 2024. You will find more information about the call on the Fundació Catalunya Europa website.