Back Barcelona Model European Parliament - B/MEUP 24

Barcelona Model European Parliament - B/MEUP 24

Organized by Equipo Europa in collaboration with the Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Governance (JMC EUGov) and the Barcelona Center for European Studies (BACES).


Imatge inicial -

This event has been organized by Equipo Europa which is a Spanish non-profit, non-partisan and Europeanist youth association, which was created with the aim of promoting the European Union among young people and fostering the political participation of young people. The Barcelona Model European Parliament 2024 will have the participation of MEPs (still to be announced) and 150 young people from different parts of Spain. The event has been partially funded by the JMC EUGov and BACES and it will take place at Campus Ciutadella (UPF) from 3rd to 5th May, 2024. 

Here are the event's timetables:

May 3rd (Friday)

  • 17:00-19:30 - Opening Ceremony - UPF Underground / Ciutadella Auditorium
  • 22:00-24:00 - Social Event (1) 

May 4th (Saturday) - Jaume I Building, rooms 20.021, 20.023, 20.025, 20.027, 20.029 and 20.031

  • 10:30-12:45 - Commission session (1)
  • 13:00-14:30 - Commission session (2)
  • 15:45-17:45 - Commission session (3)
  • 18:15-20:15 - Commission session (4)
  • 22:00-24:00 - Social Event (2)

May 5th (Sunday) - Jaume I Building, rooms 20.021, 20.023, 20.025, 20.027 and UPF Underground / Ciutadella Auditorium

  • 11:00-12:00 - Inter-party meeting
  • 12:00-13:00 - Lobby period
  • 13:20-15:00 - Plenary session
  • 15:00-16:15 - Closing ceremony