Back BACES/JMC IV Workshop on Gender & Sexuality in the EU

BACES/JMC IV Workshop on Gender & Sexuality in the EU

BACES and the JMC EUGov have organized the 4th Annual Workshop on Gender & Sexuality in the EU, dedicated to the subject of "Considering Sexual and Gender Equalities and Legal Changes through the Experiences of those who have Concerns or Oppose Them".


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As part of our integrated strategy of Jean Monnet Activities, the Chair in European Governance (EUGov) (which is also sponsored by BACES) has organized an Annual Workshop on Gender and Sexuality in the context of the European Union. This Workshop is a chance for furthering students' knowledge and raising awareness on these topics, bringing Prof. Kath Browne who is a Geography Professor at University College Dublin. Her research interests lie in Social and Cultural Geographies, and particular people's spatial experiences of sexualities and genders.

The Workshop will take place at Mercè Rodoreda Auditorium (Ciutadella Campus, UPF, 9:30 – 11:30 AM). It will be attended by the students of the subject "Governance and Public Policies: Challenges and Opportunities within the EU" (BA in Political Science and Public Administration and BA in Global Studies, UPF).

We hope to see great attendance rate from the UPF community and broad civil society which may be interested in the topic.