
Four academic years


Price for EU citizens (*): €1.266,98

Price for non EU citizens or non residents (*): €8.639,44


(*) Includes the charges for handling the registration and transcription, publications and academic forms and student insurance.

Check for the current discounts and gratuities of tuition fees.


85 for English and 70 between French, German and Catalan Sign Language

Branch of knowledge

Arts and humanities


Mornings. Some third- and fourth- year optional subjects may be offered in the afternoon. Students who meet the established requisites may apply to follow the programme on a part-time basis.

Academic year

From September to June


240 ECTS credits
Basic subjects: 62 (16 of which correspond to a study period abroad); compulsory subjects: 122; optional subjects: 48; bachelor's degree final project: 8


English (compulsory) and French, German or Catalan Sign Language. Recommended level at start of programme: at least B1 in English and A1+ in French, German or Catalan Sign Language.