The Language Acquisition specialization is organized around the central issues which allow us to understand how speakers of different ages (babies, children, adolescents and adults) and different linguistic profiles (monolingual, bilingual, etc.) acquire languages, whether first languages (L1), second languages (L2), or third languages (L3), in different contexts of learning.

The development of an L2 and that of other additional languages both shares features with L1 development (and bilingualism), but also shows differences. One such difference is the fact that in L2 acquisition, contexts of learning tend to be more diverse (immersion, instruction, study abroad) than in L1 acquisition. Most importantly, when speakers come to learn an L2, they are already equipped with knowledge of their L1. All these factors have fed an interesting theoretical and empirical debate which is in focus in this specialization.

Learning Objectives


To become familiar with the most updated theories and descriptive models in the field of language acquisition, in a first, second or a foreign language, and in different settings (monolingual, bilingual, multilingual).  


To become acquainted and gain practical experience in applying empirical research methods, and using the most adequate instruments to conduct empirical studies. To apply such a knowledge and expertise for the purpose of carrying out the final Master dissertation (TFM) or a subsequent doctoral dissertation (PhD).  


To transfer such knowledge and expertise to different applied uses/issues (social, educational, related to linguistic development, etc.).  


The faculty who teach in the specialization work in close collaboration with national and international researchers and groups. Most of them belong to the ALLENCAM (Language Acquisition from the Multilingual Catalonia) research group.


There are two courses specific to the specialization, which are taught every year:

  • Language acquisition and bilingualism
  • Cognition and language acquisition

The following methodological course is strongly recommended for the specialization:

  • Experimental and observational techniques

Students can choose the second required methodological course according to their interests.

Language of instruction

The language of instruction in the specialization courses is English. Students must know enough English to be able to follow the lectures and participate in class. Exceptionally, written work can be submitted in Catalan or Spanish if permission is previously granted by the instructors.

Career paths after the Masters

  • Researching teaching methods informed by language acquisition studies.
  • Researching bi- and multilingualism in educational and social contexts and their applications.
  • Assessment of educational institutions and companies in regards to their language policies and practices.
  • Teaching in different learning contexts: formal instruction, content and language integrated learning (CLIL), English-medium instruction (EMI), etc.
  • Teaching in bilingual, trilingual and multilingual educational contexts at different educational levels (primary, secondary, etc.).
  • Designing language tests and assessment tools.
  • Assessing publishing houses with regard to teaching approaches and language teaching/learning materials for different purposes and contexts.
  • Collaborating with language therapists and specialists in specific language acquisition/learning situations, on speech disorders and on atypical language development in the private sector or at public organizations.
  • Research project management (European and international projects).
  • Content writer in digital graphic design including technological applications for research.