Back UPF students achieve the highest academic performance in the system since 2006

UPF students achieve the highest academic performance in the system since 2006

The report supports the institution's educational model and shows a correlation its between its level of requirements and its students' efficiency.


The Studia XXI project, promoted by the Society and Education European Foundation with support from the Santander Universities Global Division, has recently published the report Crisi fiscal, finances universitàries i equitat contributiva.

Among other issues, the report emphasizes a correlation between universities' level of requirements and thoroughness and their students' level of efficiency. It criticizes the disparity and lack of rigour among many Spanish universities in terms of their regulations governing criteria for students' thoroughness, assessment and performance, and it highlights UPF's regulations as a good example in this field, taking into consideration the excellent academic results achieved by its students, which have led the system's rankings since 2006




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