Back Laia Auset, student of Computer Engineering, wins the AEPD's "Data Protection 2021 Award"

Laia Auset, student of Computer Engineering, wins the AEPD's "Data Protection 2021 Award"

On 28 January, the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) announced the winners of the awards, among which was Laia's work, coordinated by DataForGoodBCN. 



Fully homomorphic encryption is a form of encryption that allows users to perform calculations on encrypted data without the need of previous decryption.

On this basis, Laia, under the supervision of Sergi Rovira and Vanesa Daza, began to work on how this technique could be very useful for the preservation of data privacy.

The work, "Fully Homomorphic Encryption for privacy-preserving data analytics", submits this technique to the data preservation of the Down Catalunya Association and, thanks to the cryptosystem created and its technical feasibility, the association has already commissioned to start working on the project.

The aim of Down Catalunya is to obtain more statistical data on the people with whom different organisations work and, thus, to better focus on where to allocate more resources. As the organisations cannot share data with Down Catalunya and these data have to be treated privately, the technique explored by Laia Auset solves a number of problems for them, allowing them to obtain data without compromising their privacy.




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