Departament of Information and Communication Technologies
Dr. Vladimir Estivill
Head of the Departament of Information and Communication Technologies (ETIC)
Head of the Engineering and Information and Communication Technology - Academic Unit
Dra. Núria Sebastián
Academic Secretary (DTIC)
- Dr. Boris Bellalta
Deputy Director Research, Technology Transfer and PhD - Dr. Horacio Saggion
Deputy Director Faculty and Recruitment
Engineering School
Dr. Oscar Cámara
Head of the Engineering School
Dr. Ernest Montbrió
Secretary Engineering School
- Dra. Patricia Santos
Deputy Director and Responsable Innovation Area - Dr. Alfonso Martínez
Quality Deputy Director - Dr. Federico Sukno
Deputy Director Teaching Assignation - Dr. Miquel Oliver
Deputy Director Promotion and Communication
Staff Associated to Management:
- Carme Buisan
Promoter ETIC - Dra. Verónica Moreno
Pedagogue Engineering School and DTIC - Pol Rovira
Technician in Communication and Promotion