Calendari d'exàmens 2023-24

Important: Cal tenir en compte, de cara a la vostra organització personal, que es podrien produir canvis al calendari d'exàmens per causes sobrevingudes alienes a la facultat.  /  For your personal organization, please note that changes to the exam schedule might occur due to unexpected causes. 


Term / call

Exàmens Finals/ Final Exams Exàmens de Recuperació / Resit Exams

1r trimestre

1st term

De l'11 al 20 de desembre

December 11 to 20

26, 27 de gener i 2, 3 de febrer

January 26, 27 & February 2, 3

2n trimestre

2nd term

Del 13 al 22 de març

March 13 to 22

19, 20, 26 i 27 d'abril

April 19, 20, 26 & 27

3r trimestre

3rd term

Del 12 al 20 de juny

June 12 to 20

8, 9 i 10 de juliol

July 8, 9 & 10 


El calendari d'exàmens el podeu trobar a la Consulta Horària, on s'especifica l'hora de l'examen i l'aula. Us recomanem que aneu consultant aquesta informació fins el mateix dia de l'examen per si es produeixen canvis d'ubicació d'última hora. Per saber la distribució d’alumnes a cada aula, segons els cognoms, s’ha de clicar la   de ”informació” per veure el camp “observacions”
The exam calendar can be found in the Timetables, which specifies the time of the exam and the classroom where it will take place. We recommend that you keep checking this information until the same day of the exam in case of last minute location changes. To know the distribution of students in each classroom, according to their surnames, click on the for "information"  to see the "observations" field 
It is considered that there is an exam overlapping/conflict when the margin of time between the two tests is less than thirty minutes, provided they are performed in different buildings. When a student is in this case, he/she  will have to complete the following form at the latest on the last day of week 8 of the term and for resit exams no later than 2 days after the closing of the ordinary call records. The Secretary's Office will check the coincidence and will contact the student before the start of the exams.  ATTENTION: The one that occurs between subjects enrolled in the same time module or the one that has originated as a consequence of the simultaneity between several studies (whether it is the same or different centers) is not considered a coincidence of exams.