Back Regis Barnichon, Jan Eeckhout and Sergi Jiménez-Martín have obtained a RecerCaixa 2013 grant

Regis Barnichon, Jan Eeckhout and Sergi Jiménez-Martín have obtained a RecerCaixa 2013 grant



February 26th 2014

The professors of the Department of Economics and Business of the UPF Regis Barnichon (CREI and Juan de la Cierva Researcher), Jan Eeckhout and Sergi Jiménez-Martín have received a RecerCaixa 2013 grant, program for promoting the excellence in scientific research in Catalonia, promoted by the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) and the Obra Social "La Caixa".

The call RecerCaixa 2013 has been very competitive, because the 26 winning projects were selected among a total of 362 projects submitted, all of them of a high scientific quality, according to organizers.

The research projects of the professors of the Department of Economics and Business of the UPF which have won a RecerCaixa 2013 grant are as follows:

- Regis Barnichon: "Unemployment, Under-employment and Lifetime Income Risk". The grant is earned with 60.180,00 Euros.
- Jan Eeckhout: "Youth Unemployment and Employment Security". The grant is earned with 78.000,00 Euros.
- Sergi Jiménez Martín: "Promoting the labour market integration of disabled workers: A policy evaluation exercise for Spain". The grant is earned with 71.670,58 Euros.



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