Summary of publications (chronologically)
Moreno, Jose A., and Núria Almiron. 2024. Climate Obstruction in Spain. From Boycotting the Expansion of Renewable Energy to Blocking Compassion Toward Animals. In Climate Obstruction across Europe, edited by Robert J. Brulle, J. Timmons Roberts, and Miranda Spencer, 294–319. New York: Oxford University Press.
Tafalla, Marta. 2023. Overcoming Climate Breakdown Denial and Neglect through the Aesthetics of Nature. Contemporary Aesthetics 21.
Almiron, Núria, Jose A. Moreno, and Justin Farrell. 2023. Climate Change Contrarian Think Tanks in Europe: A Network Analysis. Public Understanding of Science 32 (3): 268–83.
Moreno, Jose A., Mira Kinn, and Marta Narberhaus. 2023. A Discussion of Think Tanks in Climate Obstruction in Response to the “Analysis of the Moreno et al. (2022) Publication on EIKE Using Peter Gleick’s Toolbox”. International Journal of Communication 17: 2077–86.
Moreno, Jose A., Mira Kinn, and Marta Narberhaus. 2022. A Stronghold of Climate Change Denialism in Germany: Case Study of the Output and Press Representation of the Think Tank EIKE. International Journal of Communication 16: 267–88.
Almiron, Núria, Miquel Rodrigo-Alsina, and Jose A. Moreno. 2022. Manufacturing Ignorance: Think Tanks, Climate Change and the Animal-Based Diet. Environmental Politics 31 (4): 576–97.
Almiron, Núria, and Jose A. Moreno. 2022. Beyond climate change denialism. Conceptual challenges in communicating climate action obstruction. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación, no. 55: 9–23.
Moreno, Jose A., and Gina Thornton. 2022. Climate action obstruction in the Spanish far right: The Vox's amendment to the Climate Change Law and its press representation. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación, no. 55: 25–40.
Almiron, Núria, and Jordi Xifra. 2021. Rethinking Think Tanks. Experts vs. Impostors. Zaragoza, Spain: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
Almiron, Núria, Miquel Rodrigo-Alsina, and Jose A. Moreno. 2021. Manufacturing Ignorance: Think Tanks, Climate Change and the Animal-Based Diet. Environmental Politics, June, 1–22.
Almiron, Núria, and Jose A. Moreno. 2021. Think tanks neoliberales y falsos debates: La propuesta del impuesto a la carne para combatir la crisis climática [Neoliberal think tanks and false debates: The meat tax proposal to combat the climate crisis]. In La comunicación del cambio climático, una herramienta ante el gran desafío, edited by Daniel Rodrigo-Cano, Rosalba Mancinas-Chávez, and Rogelio Fernández-Reyes, 222-48. Madrid, Spain: Dykinson.
Kramcksak Muñoz, Xuksa Consuelo. 2021. ONGs ecologistas en España. Discurso, negacionismo ideológico y crisis climática [Ecological NGOs in Spain. Discourse, ideological denial and the climate crisis]. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Críticos Animales 8 (1): 151-83.
Moreno, Jose A., and Noelia Ruiz-Alba. 2021. Journalism or greenwashing? Sponsors of COP25 Chile-Madrid in the Spanish press. Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación 12 (2): 285–300.
Moreno, Jose A., and Núria Almiron. 2021. Representación en la prensa española del papel de la agricultura animal en la crisis climática [Representation in the Spanish press of the role of animal agriculture in the climate crisis]. Estudios Sobre El Mensaje Periodístico 27 (1): 349–64.
Almiron, Núria, Maxwell Boykoff, Marta Narberhaus, and Francisco Heras. 2020. Dominant counter-frames in influential climate contrarian European think tanks. Climatic Change 162(4): 2003–20.
Almiron, Núria. 2020. ‘Meat Taboo: Climate Change and the EU Meat Lobby’. In Meatsplaining: The Animal Agriculture Industry and the Rhetoric of Denial, edited by Jason Hannan. Sidney: Sidney University Press.
Almiron, Núria & Xifra, Jordi (eds.). 2020. Public Relations and Climate Change Denial. Strategic Communication and Interest Groups in Climate Inaction. London: Routledge.
Almiron, Núria. 2020. ‘Rethinking the Ethical Challenge in Climate Change Lobbying. A Discussion of Ideological Denial’. In Climate Change Denial and Public Relations, edited by Núria Almiron and Jordi Xifra, 9–25. London: Routledge.
Xifra, Jordi. 2020. 'The Anthropocentric Roots of Public Relations: A (Pre)historical Approach and Ontological Consideration'. In Climate Change Denial and Public Relations, edited by Núria Almiron and Jordi Xifra, 26–42. London: Routledge.
Kemmerer, Lisa. 2020. 'An Ecofeminist Analysis of Worldviews and Climate Change Denial'. In Climate Change Denial and Public Relations, edited by Núria Almiron and Jordi Xifra, 43–58. London: Routledge.
Faria, Catia & Paez, Eze. 2020. 'Why Environmentalism Cannot Beat Denialism: An Antispeciesist Approach to the Ethics of Climate Change'. In Climate Change Denial and Public Relations, edited by Núria Almiron and Jordi Xifra, 59–73. London: Routledge.
Kuhlemann, Karin. 2020. 'The Elephant in the Room: The Role of Interest Groups in Creating and Sustaining the Population Taboo'. In Climate Change Denial and Public Relations, edited by Núria Almiron and Jordi Xifra, 59–73. London: Routledge.
Rodrigo-Alsina, Miquel. 2020. 'Talking about Climate Change: The Power of Narratives'. In Climate Change Denial and Public Relations, edited by Núria Almiron and Jordi Xifra, 103–120. London: Routledge.
Boykoff, Maxwell & Farrell, Justin. 2020. 'Climate Change Countermovement Organizations and Media Attention in the United States'. In Climate Change Denial and Public Relations, edited by Núria Almiron and Jordi Xifra, 121–139. London: Routledge.
Plehwe, Dieter. 2020. 'Think Tank Networks and the Knowledge-Interest Nexus: The Case of Climate Change'. In Climate Change Denial and Public Relations, edited by Núria Almiron and Jordi Xifra, 140–156. London: Routledge.
Michaels, Lucy & Ainger, Katharina. 2020. 'The Climate Smokescreen: The Public Relations Consultancies Working to Obstruct Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions in Europe – A Critical Approach'. In Climate Change Denial and Public Relations, edited by Núria Almiron and Jordi Xifra, 159–177. London: Routledge.
Stanescu, Vasile. 2020. '"Cowgate": Meat Eating and Climate Change Denial'. In Climate Change Denial and Public Relations, edited by Núria Almiron and Jordi Xifra, 178–194. London: Routledge.
Almiron, Núria; Khozyainova, Natalia & Freixes, Lluís. 2020. '“This nagging worry about the carbon dioxide issue”'. In Climate Change Denial and Public Relations, edited by Núria Almiron and Jordi Xifra, 195–213. London: Routledge.
Hestres, Luis E. 2020. 'Fighting Climate Change Denial in the United States'. In Climate Change Denial and Public Relations, edited by Núria Almiron and Jordi Xifra, 217–232. London: Routledge.
Fernández-Aballí, Ana. 2020. 'A Wicked Systems Approach to Climate Change Advocacy'. In Climate Change Denial and Public Relations, edited by Núria Almiron and Jordi Xifra, 217–232. London: Routledge.
Almiron, Núria & Faria, Catia (eds.). 2019. ABS special issue on Environmental and Animal Advocacy, with papers by THINKClima members Núria Almiron, Catia Faria and Lisa Kemmerer and other authors.
Almiron, Núria & Faria, Catia. 2019. Environmental and Animal Defense. American Behavioral Scientist, 63(8), 1043-1046.
Faria, Catia & Paez, Eze. 2019. It’s Splitsville: Why Animal Ethics and Environmental Ethics Are Incompatible. American Behavioral Scientist, 63(8), 1047-1060.
Kemmerer, Lisa. 2019. The Interconnected Nature of Anymal and Earth Activism. American Behavioral Scientist, 63(8), 1061-1079.
Waldhorn, Daniela R. 2019. Toward a New Framework for Understanding Human–Wild Animal Relations. American Behavioral Scientist, 63(8), 1080-1100.
Almiron, Núria. 2019. Greening Animal Defense? Examining whether appealing to climate change and the environment is an effective strategic advocacy strategy to reduce oppression of nonhumans. American Behavioral Scientist, 63(8), 1001-1119.
Stãnescu, Vasile. 2019. Selling Eden: Environmentalism, Local Meat, and the Postcommodity Fetish. American Behavioral Scientist, 63(8), 1020-1136.
Fernández, Laura. 2019. Using Images of Farmed Animals in Environmental Advocacy: An Antispeciesist, Strategic Visual Communication Proposal. American Behavioral Scientist, 63(8), 1137-1155.
Almiron, Núria & Tafalla, Marta. 2019. Rethinking the Ethical Challenge in the Climate Deadlock: Anthropocentrism, Ideological Denial and Animal Liberation. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 32(2), 255-267.
Almiron, Núria & Faria, Catia. 2019. Climate change impacts on free-living nonhuman animals. Challenges for media and communication ethics. Studies in Media and Communication, 7(1).
Tafalla, Marta. 2019. Ecoanimal. Una estética plurisensorial, ecologista y animalista [Ecoanimal. A plurisensorial, environmentalist and animalist aesthetics]. Madrid: Plaza y Valdés Editores.