Independents reports
Carbon Brief (2011). Analysing the +900 papers supporting climate scepticism: 9 out of top 10 authors linked to ExxonMobil. This report references a blog linking to more than 900 papers which, according to the authors, refute “concern relating to a negative environmental or socio-economic effect of anthropocentric global warming, usually exaggerated as catastrophic” However, a preliminary data analysis by the Carbon Brief revealed that nine of the ten most prolific authors cited have links to organisations funded by ExxonMobil, and the tenth has co-authored several papers with Exxon-linked contributors. The top ten contributors were alone responsible for 186 of the papers cited by the Global Warming Policy Foundation. The data also shows that there were many other familiar climate sceptic names among the major contributors to the list.
Corporate Europe Observatory (2015). The climate smokescreen. PR companies lobbying for big polluters in Europe. Brussels: Corporate Europe Observatory. Case studies of 7 public relations and lobbying consultancies working in Europe to greenwash the images of corporate climate criminals and lobby against real climate action.
Corporate Europe Observatory (2010). Concealing their sources – who funds Europe’s climate change deniers? Brussels: Corporate Europe Observatory. They are a tiny minority, a network of just a few dozen individuals around the world. Their numbers contrast starkly with the overwhelming majority of scientists who agree on the reality of man-made climate change, and on the urgent need for action. But the voices of climate deniers, are amplified in Europe by a handful of extremist free marketers and right- wing think tanks, which try to block action to tackle climate change.
CSSN. (2021). The Structure of Obstruction: Understanding Opposition to Climate Change Action in the United States (CSSN Primer). Providence, RI: Climate Social Sciences Network (CSSN). Scholars are just beginning to unearth the complex and highly-developed network of organizations built to block action on the life-threatening issue of climate change. This brief primer points out the history of climate opposition, ten key players, their playbook, and how they interact to influence the media and political agenda to get their way on public policy.
Dunlap, R.E. (2013). The climate change denial campaign. Scholars Strategy Network. A summary of papers published in journals.
Grandia, K. (2009). Research on the "sponsors" behind the Heartland's New York Climate Change Conference. Desmog. This report presents the results of a research on the funding history of all the organizations that the Heartland Institute has listed as co-sponsors for their 2009 International Conference on Climate Change. The author found that over the years these groups received in excess of $47 million from oil companies and right-wing foundations.
Greenpeace (2010). Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine. Washington, DC, Greenpeace USA, 30 March 2010. This report provides evidences of Koch Brothers sending at least $88,810,770 directly to 80 groups denying climate change science between 1997 and 2010.
Greenpeace (2013). Greenpeace Briefing. Donors Trust: The shadow operation that has laundered $146 million in climate-denial funding. Greenpeace. Greenpeace and other researchers discovered that Donors Trust, a shadowy funding operation for anti-government extremists, was laundering millions of dollars in climate denial funding for donors who do not want to be associated with their pet causes.
Greenpeace (2013b). Dealing in Doubt. The climate denial machine vs climate science. Greenpeace US. A brief history of denial, denier tricks and tactics.
Union of Concerned Scientists (2015). The Climate Deception Dossiers. Internal Fossil Fuel Industry Memos Reveal Decades of Corporate Disinformation. Union of Concerned Scientists. This report presents seven “deception dossiers”—collections containing some 85 internal company and trade association documents that have either been leaked to the public, come to light through lawsuits, or been disclosed through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. While many of these documents have been analyzed by others (Oreskes 2011; Oreskes and Conway 2010; Gelbspan 1998), these dossiers offer the most complete and up-to-date collection yet available.
Union of Concerned Scientists (2007). Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air: How Exxonmobil Uses Big Tobaccos Tactics to Manufacture Uncertainty on Climate Science. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists. According to this report, ExxonMobil has under- written the most sophisticated and most successful disinformation campaign since the tobacco industry misled the public about the scientific evidence linking smoking to lung cancer and heart disease. As this report documents, the two disinformation campaigns are strikingly similar. ExxonMobil has drawn upon the tactics and even some of the organizations and actors involved in the callous disinformation campaign the tobacco industry waged for 40 years.
Union of Concerned Scientists (2012). A climate of corporate control. How corporations have influenced the U.S. dialogue on climate science and policy. Washington, DC: Union of Concerned Scientists. To better understand the growing corporate influence on climate policies, this report analyzed the actions of many of the most highly engaged companies. The analysis reveals that while some American companies have taken consistent and laudable actions in support of climate science—and of consequent policy—others have worked aggressively to undermine the science and block science- based policy proposals. Still, other companies have taken contradictory actions in different venues.