The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically driven cross-national survey that has been conducted across Europe since 2001. Every two years, face-to-face interviews are conducted with newly selected, cross-sectional samples. The survey measures the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of diverse populations in more than thirty nations.

ESS RECSM researchers collaborate on questionnaire development, survey translation, data quality assessment and the documentation of ESS life cycle:


Researchers at RECSM are also leading on ESS methodological research about "Quality of Survey Questions and Correction for Measurement Error", "Research on survey translation" and “Multilingual Survey Projects”.

One of the ESS tools is the ESS Bibliography, which provides a comprehensive database documenting publications that have used ESS data, making it an essential resource for researchers and scholars.

Team: Diana Zavala-RojasMelanie RevillaHannah SchwarzCarlos Poses, Danielly Sorato.