For a detailed list of the publications of each RECSM member, look at their profiles in the Members section.
Published articles (last five years)
Torcal, M., Martini, S., & Carty, E. (2024). Challenging by cueing? An investigation of party and leader cueing effects across mainstream and challenger party voters. Political Behavior, 1-20.
Martin-Gutierrez, S., Robles Morales, J.M., Torcal, M. et al. In-party love spreads more efficiently than out-party hate in online communities. Sci Rep 14, 15700 (2024).
Dennison, J., & Vrânceanu, A. (2024). Public opinion on immigration: Is it converging globally or regionally? In Recchi, E., & Safi, M. (Eds) Handbook of Human Mobility and Migration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 182-201.
Iglesias, P.A., Ochoa, C, & Revilla, M. (2024). A practical guide to (successfully) collect and process images through online surveys. Social Sciences & Humanities Open.
Carty, E., & Torcal, M. (2023). ‘Warming Up’ to Populist Leaders: A Comparative Analysis of Argentina and Spain. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 11(2), 657-673.
Comellas, J. P., & Torcal, M. (2023). "Ideological identity, issue-based ideology and bipolar affective polarization in multiparty systems: The cases of Argentina, Chile, Italy, Portugal and Spain". Electoral Studies, 83 (2023) 102615.
Hanspeter, K., & Vrânceanu, A. (2023). Voter preferences for EU asylum policies: The role of government cues. Government and Opposition, 1-23. FirstView.
Iglesias, P.A., Revilla, M. (2023). Skills, availability, willingness, expected participation and burden of sharing visual data within the frame of web surveys. Quality & Quantity.
Moncagatta, P., Saris, W. E., & Fierro, M. (2023). Same same…but different? Support for the ideal of democracy vs. solid democratic support. Revista Latinoamericana De Opinión Pública, 12(1), 7–40.
Moncagatta, P., Espinosa Fernández de Córdova, C., & Pazmiño, M. (2023). Ganar perdiendo: oportunidades y limitaciones de una coalición antipopulista en Ecuador. América Latina Hoy, 93, e29747.
Lu, J., Benet-Martínez, V., & Wang, L. (2023). "A Socioecological-Genetic Framework of Culture and Personality: Their roots, trends, and interplay". Annual Review of Psychology, 74: 363-390.
Ochoa, C., & Revilla, M. (2023). Framing Effects on Willingness to Participate in Geolocation-Based Research. International Journal of Market Research, 0(0).
Torcal, M., & Carty, E. (2023). Populismo, ideología y polarización afectiva en Argentina. Revista Argentina de Ciencia Política, 1(30), pp. 128-157. https://publicaciones.
Torcal, M., Reiljan, A., & Zanotti, L. (2023). Affective polarization in comparative perspective. Frontiers in Political Science, 5, 5. DOI 10.3389/fpos.2023.1112238
Torcal, M., Carty, E., Comellas, J. M., Bosch, O. J., Thomson, Z., & Serani, D. (2023). The dynamics of political and affective polarisation: Datasets for Spain, Portugal, Italy, Argentina, and Chile (2019-2022). Data in Brief, 48, 109219.
Torcal, M. (2023). DE Votantes a Hooligans. Polarización Política en España. Madrid: Catarata.
Torcal, M., & Thomson, Z. A. (2023). "Social trust and affective polarization in Spain (2014-19)". Electoral Studies, 81, Article 102582.
Vrânceanu, A., Dinas, E., Heidland, T., and Ruhs, M. (2023). The European refugee crisis and public support for the externalisation of migration management. European Journal of Political Research 62(4): 1146-1167.
Bobowik, M., Benet-Martinez, V., & Repke, L. (2022). "United in diversity: The interplay of social network characteristics and personality in predicting outgroup attitudes". Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 25: 1175-1201.
Bobowik, M., Benet-Martinez, V., & Repke, L. (2022). "Ethnocultural diversity of immigrants’ personal social networks, bicultural identity integration, and global identification". International Journal of Psychology, 4: 491-500.
Bosch, O. & Revilla, M. (2022). "When survey science met web tracking: Presenting an error framework for metered data". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 185(S2): S408-S436.
Bosch, O. & Revilla, M. (2022). "The Challenges of Using Digital Trace Data to Measure Online Behaviors: Lessons from a Study Combining Surveys and Metered Data to Investigate Affective Polarization." In SAGE Research Methods Cases. DOI:
Comellas, J. M. (2022). “When Polarised Feelings towards Parties Spread to Voters: The Role of Ideological Distance and Social Sorting in Spain”. Electoral Studies, 79, Article 102525.
Donato, S., Brugnera, A., Adorni, R., Molgora, S., Reverberi, E., Manzi, C., Angeli, M., Bagirova, A., Benet-Martinez, V., et al. (2022). "Workers' individual and dyadic coping with the COVID-19 health emergency: A cross cultural study". Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
Lorenzo, Javier & Mariano Torcal. (2022). "Twitter and Affective Polarisation: Following Political Leaders in Spain". South European Society and Politics, doi: 10.1080/13608746.2022.2047554
Manzi, C., & Benet-Martinez, V. (2022). "Multiple identities juggling game: Types of identity integration and their outcomes". Self and Identity, 21: 501-505.
Manzi, C., Koc, Y., Benet-Martinez, V., & Reverberi, E. (2022). "Identity integration matters. The case of parents working from home during the COVID-19 health emergency". Self and Identity, 21: 914-938.
Ochoa, C. (2022). "Willigness to participate in geolocation-based research". PLoS ONE 17(12): e0278416. doi:
Ochoa, C. & Revilla, M. (2022). "Willigness to participate in in-the-moment survey triggered by online behaviors". Behavior Research Methods. doi:
Ochoa, C. & Revilla, M. (2022). "Acceptance and coverage of fast invitation methods to in-the-moment surveys." International Journal of Market Research, 64(5): 565-574.
Ozer, S., Benet-Martinez, V., & Schwartz. S. (in press). "The challenge of being both local and global: Bicultural Identity Integration among indigenous Ladakhi youth in Delhi". Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Poses, C. & Revilla, M. (2022). "Measuring satisfaction with democracy: how good are different scales across countries and languages?" European Political Science Review, 14(1) : 18-35. Published online first September 13, 2021. DOI:
Revilla, M. (2022). "How to enhance web survey data using metered, geolocation, visual and voice data?" Survey Research Methods, 16(1). doi: 10.18148/srm/2022.v16i1.8013
Rivera-Pichardo, E., Jost, J., Benet-Martinez, V., & Davila-Santana, S. (2022). "Colonial system justification and the internalization of inferiority: The case of Puerto Rico". Journal of Social Issues, 78: 79-106.
Schwarz, S., Walsh, S., Ward, C., Tartakovsky, E., ... Benet-Martínez, V, et al. (2022). "The role of psychologists in international migration research: Complementing other expertise and an interdisciplinary way forward". Migration Studies, 10: 356-373.
Spiegler, O., Schmid, K., Saleem, M., Hewstone, M., Benet-Martínez, V. (2022). "Dual identity, bicultural identity integration, and social identity complexity among Muslim minority adolescents". Self and Identity: 21, 257-277.
Soler-Pastor, E., Bobowik, M. & Benet-Martínez, V. (2022). "Creativity and (global, ethnic, host) cultural identification: An examination in migrant and host national samples". Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 1007034.
Sorato, D., & Zavala-Rojas, D. (2022, June). Sentence Alignment of Bilingual Survey Texts Applying a Metadata-Aware Strategy. In International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (pp. 469-476). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Torcal, M. & Magalhaes, P. (2022). "Ideological Extremism, Perceived Party System Polarisation, and Support for Democracy". European Political Science Review, doi: 10.1017/S1755773922000066
Torcal, M. (2022) Editor of the special issue: Affective polarisation in Spain in comparative perspective. In South European Society and Politics.
Torcal, M. & Comellas, J. M. (2022). "Affective Polarisation in Times of Political Instability and Conflict: Spain from a Comparative Perspective". South European Society and Politics, doi: 10.1080/13608746.2022.2044236
Torcal, M. & Carty, E. (2022). "Partisan Sentiments and Political Trust: A Longitudinal Study of Spain". South European Society and Politics, doi: 10.1080/13608746.2022.2047555
Trifiletti, E., Shamloo, S.E., Ferrari, L., Dusi, P., Huynh, Q., Rosnati, R., & Benet-Martínez, V. (2022). "Bicultural identity in childhood: Preliminary validation of the Bicultural Identity Integration Scale for children (BIIS-C)". Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 28: 72-79.
Zavala-Rojas, D., Sorato, D., Hareide, L., & Hofland, K. (2022). The Multilingual Corpus of Survey Questionnaires: a tool for refining survey translation. Meta, 67(1), 71-93.
Asensio, M., & Revilla, M. (2021). "Number of answer categories for bipolar item specific scales in face-to-face surveys: Does more mean better?" Quality and Quantity. Published online first June 2021.
Bai, Y., Ocampo, J., Gening, J., Chen, S., Benet-Martinez, V., et al. (in press). Awe, daily stress, and elevated well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Bobowik M., Benet-Martínez V., Repke L. (2021). "United in diversity": The interplay of social network characteristics and personality in predicting outgroup attitudes. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
Bosch, O. J. & Revilla, M. (2021). “The Quality of Survey Questions in Spain: A CrossNational Comparison”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 175: 3-26.
Höhne, J.K., Gavras, K., & Qureshi, D.D. (2021). SurveyVoice (SVoice): A comprehensive guide for collecting voice answers in surveys. Zenodo.
Höhne, J.K., Krebs, D., & Kühnel, S.M. (2021). Measurement properties of completely and end labeled unipolar and bipolar scales in Likert-type questions on income (in)equality. Social Science Research. Research, 97, 102544.
Höhne, J.K., Lenzner, T., Neuert, C., & Yan, T. (2021). Re-examining the middle means typical and the left and top means first heuristics using eye-tracking methodology. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 9, 25–50.
Lenzner, T., & Höhne, J.K. (2021). Measuring subjective social stratification: How does the graphical layout of rating scales affect response distributions, response effort, and criterion validity in web surveys? International Journal of Social Research Methodology.
McAdams, D., Trzesniewski, K., Lilgendahl, J., Benet-Martinez, V., & Robins, R., (2021). Self and Identity in Personality Psychology. Personality Science, 2.
Ozer, S., Benet-Martinez, V., & Schwartz. S. (in press). The challenge of being both local and global: Bicultural Identity Integration among indigenous Ladakhi youth in Delhi. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Poses, C., Revilla, M., Asensio, M., Schwarz, H., & Weber, W. (2021). Measurement quality of 67 common social sciences questions across countries and languages based on 28 Multitrait-Multimethod experiments implemented in the European Social Survey. Survey Research Methods, 15(3), 235-256.
Revilla, M., Paura, E. and Ochoa, C., (2021). Use of a research app in an online opt-in panel: The Netquest case. Methodological Innovations. Published online first on January 13, 2021.
Revilla, M., & M.P. Couper (2021). "Improving the use of voice recording in a smartphone survey". Social Science Computer Review, 39(6): 1159-1178. First Published November 22, 2019.
Revilla, M., Couper, M.P., Paura, E. & Ochoa, C. (2021). "Willingness to participate in a metered online panel". Field Methods, 33(2):202-216. Published online first January 18, 2021.
Rivera-Pichardo, E., Jost, J., Benet-Martinez, V., & Davila-Santana, S. (in press). Colonial system justification and the internalization of inferiority: The case of Puerto Rico. Journal of Social Issues.
Rodon, T., & Guinjoan, M. (2021). Beaten ballots: Political participation dynamics amidst police interventions. Political Science Research and Methods, 1-18.
Schwarz, H., Weber, W., Minderop, I., Weiß, B. (2021) In Search of the Best Response Scale in a Mixed-mode Survey (Web and Mail). Evidence from MTMM Experiments in the GESIS Panel. methods, data, analyses, 15(2), 30.
Sorato, D., & Zavala-Rojas, D. (2021, November). The multilingual corpus of survey questionnaires query interface. In Proceedings of the 5th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature (pp. 43-48).
Sorato, D., Zavala-Rojas, D., & Ventura, M. D. C. C. (2021, December). Using Word Embeddings to Quantify Ethnic Stereotypes in 12 years of Spanish News. In Proceedings of the The 19th Annual Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association (pp. 34-46).
Torcal M. & Rodon T. (2021). "Zooming in on the ‘Europeanisation’ of national politics: A comparative analysis of seven EU countries". Quaderni dell’Osservatorio elettorale – Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (QOE-IJES). doi:
Torcal M., & Christmann P. (2021) “Responsiveness, performance and corruption: Reasons for the decline of political trust”. Frontiers in Political Science, 3(87).
Trifiletti, E., Shamloo, S.E., Ferrari, L., Dusi, P., Huynh, Q., Rosnati, R., & Benet-Martínez, V. (in press). Bicultural identity in childhood: Preliminary validation of the Bicultural Identity Integration Scale for children (BIIS-C). Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
van Ewijk, A.R., & Weber, W. (2021) The Value of Knowing What You Want: Goal Hierarchy and Entrepreneurial Intentions, Journal of Business Venturing Insights (Elisever), vol. 15, e00215.
Aerts, C., Revilla, M., Duval, L. Paaijmans, K., Chandrabose, J., Cox, H. and Sicuri, E. (2020). “Understanding the role of disease knowledge and risk perception in shaping preventive behavior for selected vector-borne diseases in Guyana”. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14(4): e0008149.
Benet-Martínez, V. and Repke, L. (2020). "Broadening the social psychological approach to acculturation: cultural, personality and social-network approaches". International Journal of Social Psychology.
Bosch, O.J., and Revilla, M. (2020). "Using emojis in mobile web surveys for Millennials? A study in Spain and Mexico". Quality and Quantity. First Published May 20, 2020. DOI:
Cernat, A. and Revilla, M., (2020). Moving from face-to-face to a web panel: impacts on measurement quality. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, First published online June 26th 2020. doi: 10.1093/jssam/smaa007
Fernández-Cavia, J., Vinyals-Mirabent, S., Fernández-Planells, A., Weber, W. and Pedraza-Jiménez, R. (2020). “Tourist information sources at different stages of the travel experience”. El profesional de la información, 29 (2).
Fitzgerald, R., & Zavala-Rojas, D. (2020). A model for Cross-national Questionnaire Design and Pretesting. In P. C. Beatty, D. Collins, T. Kaye, J. Padilla, G. B. Willis, & A. Wilmot (Eds.), Advances in Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation and Testing. Wiley & Sons.
Gavras, K., & Höhne, J.K. (2020). Evaluating political parties: Criterion validity of open questions with requests for text and voice answers. International Journal of Social Research Methodology.
Hobolt, S. B. and Rodon, T. (2020). “Cross-cutting issues and electoral choice. EU issue voting in the aftermath of the Brexit referendum”. Journal of European Public Policy, 27(2): 227-245.
Hobolt, S. B. and Rodon, T. (2020). “Domestic contestation of the European Union”. Journal of European Public Policy, 27(2): 161-167.
Höhne, J.K., Revilla, M. and Schlosser S. (2020). “Motion Instructions in Surveys: Compliance of Respondents, Acceleration of Smartphones, and Quality of Responses”. International Journal of Market Research, 62(1): 43-57.
Höhne, J.K. (2020). Experience Sampling. In Atkinson, P., Delamont, S., Cernat, A., Sakshaug, J.W., & Williams, R.A. (Eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations (pp. 1–6). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Höhne, J.K., Cornesse, C., Schlosser, S., Couper, M.P., & Blom, A. (2020). Looking up answers to political knowledge questions in web surveys. Public Opinion Quarterly, 84, 986–999.
Höhne, J.K., Qureshi, D.D., & Gavras, K. (2020). SurveyImage (SImage): A comprehensive guide for collecting images in surveys. Zenodo.
Höhne, J.K., & Krebs, D. (2020). Mismatching middle options: Consequences for attitude measurement in smartphone surveys. International Journal of Social Research Methodology.
Höhne, J.K., Krebs, D., & Kühnel, S.M. (2020). Measuring income (in)equality: Comparing questions with unipolar and bipolar scales in a probability-based online panel. Social Science Computer Review.
Höhne, J.K., Revilla, M., & Schlosser, S. (2020). Motion instructions in surveys: Compliance, acceleration, and response quality. International Journal of Market Research, 62, 43–57.
Höhne, J.K., Schlosser, S., Couper, M.P., & Blom, A. (2020). Switching away: On-device media multitasking in web surveys. Computers in Human Behavior.
Höhne, J.K., & Yan, T. (2020). Investigating the impact of violations of the “left and top means first” heuristic on response behavior and data quality. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 23, 347–353.
Jubran, H.; Horenczyk, G. and Benet-Martínez, V. (2020). Multicultural identity integration and identity profiles in a conflictual Palestinian-Israeli context. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 77:1-12.
Krebs, D., & Höhne, J.K. (2020). Exploring scale direction effects and response behavior across PC and smartphone surveys. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology.
Krebs, D., & Höhne, J.K. (2020). Antwortskalenrichtung und Umfragemodus. In Mays, A., Dingelstedt, A., Hambauer, V., Schlosser, S., Berens, F., Leibold, J., & Höhne, J.K. (Hg.), Grundlagen – Methoden – Anwendungen in den Sozialwissenschaften. Festschrift zu Ehren von Steffen-M. Kühnel (pp. 231–246). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
Kern, C., Höhne, J.K., Schlosser, S. and Revilla, M. (2020). "Completion Conditions and Response Behavior in Smartphone Surveys: A Prediction Approach Using Acceleration Data". Social Science Computer Review. Published online first December 4, 2020.
Lu, C., Benet-Martínez, V. and Robins, R. W. (2020). “The Development of Ethnic Identity From Late Childhood to Young Adulthood: Findings From a 10-Year Longitudinal Study of Mexican-Origin Youth”. Social Psychological and Personality Science, online.
Mays, A., Dingelstedt, A., Hambauer, V., Schlosser, S., Berens, F., Leibold, J., & Höhne, J.K. (2020). Grundlagen – Methoden – Anwendungen in den Sozialwissenschaften. Festschrift zu Ehren von Steffen-M. Kühnel. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
Pirralha A., Weber W. (2020) "Correction for measurement error in invariance testing: An illustration using SQP". PLoS ONE 15(10): e0239421.
Quinlan, S. and Schwarz, H. (2020). “The transfers game: A comparative analysis of the mechanical effect of lower preference votes in STV systems”. International Political Science Review, online.
Revilla, M. and Höhne, J.K. (2020). "Repeatedly measuring political interest: can we reduce respondent' recall ability and memory effects in surveys using memory interference tasks?" International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Published online first December 24th, 2020.
Revilla, M. and Höhne, J.K. (2020). "Comparing the participation of Millennials and older age cohorts in the CROss-National Online Survey panel and the German Internet Panel". Survey Research Methods, 14(5): 499-513.
Revilla, M. and Höhne, J.K. (2020). "How long do respondents think online surveys should be? New evidence from two online panels in Germany". International Journal of Market Research. First Published Online.
Revilla, M., Couper, M.P., Bosch, O. and Asensio M. (2020). “Testing the use of voice input in a mobile web survey”. Social Science Computer Review, 38(2): 207-224.
Revilla, M., Poses, C., Asensio, M., Schwarz, H., and W. Weber (2020). "Applying the Estimation Using Pooled Data Approach to the Multitrait-Multimethod Experiments of the European Social Survey (Rounds 1 to 7)". Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. First published online September 22, 2020.
Rodon, T. and Sanjaume-Calvet, M. (2020). “How fair is it? An experimental study of perceived fairness of distributive policies”. The Journal of Politics, 82(1): 384-391.
Saris, W., & Gallhofer, I. (2020). Designing Better Questions for Complex Concepts with Reflective Indicators. Survey Research Methods, 14(3), 253-266.
Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2020). ECSP – Embedded Client Side Paradata. Zenodo.
Schwarz, H., Revilla, M., & Weber, W. (2020). Memory Effects in Repeated Survey Questions: Reviving the Empirical Investigation of the Independent Measurements Assumption. Survey Research Methods, 14(3), 325-344.
Schwartz, S. J., Szabó, Á., Meca, A., Benet-Martínez, V., Ward, C., Martinez, C. R., Cobb, C. L., Unger, J. B. and Pantea, N. (2020). “The Convergence Between Cultural Psychology and Developmental Science: Acculturation as an Exemplar”. Frontiers in Psychology, online.
Struminskaya, B., Keusch, F., Lugtig, P., & Höhne, J.K. (2020). Augmenting surveys with data from sensors and apps: challenges and opportunities. Social Science Computer Review.
Torcal, M., Santana, A., Carty, E., Comellas, J. M., "Political and affective polarisation in a democracy in crisis: The E-Dem panel survey dataset (Spain, 2018–2019)", Data in Brief, Volume 32, 2020,
Torcal, M., and Christmann, P., (2020). “Political Culture in Spain in the Twenty-First Century. Symptoms of a crisis of representation.” In The Oxford Handbook of Spanish Politics. Ed. D. Muro and I. Lago. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, pp. 313-328.
Weber, W., Gallhofer, I., & Saris, W. (2020). Survey Questions, Design of. In P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, A. Cernat, J.W. Sakshaug, & R.A. Williams (Eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations.
Bosch, O.J., Revilla, M., DeCastellarnau, A. and Weber W. (2019). Measurement reliability, validity, and quality of slider versus radio button scales in an online probability-based panel in Norway. Social Science Computer Review, online.
Ferrari, L., Manzi, C., Benet-Martínez, V. and Rosnati, R. (2019). Social and Family Factors Related to Intercountry Adoptees and Immigrants' Bicultural Identity Integration. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 50(6), pp. 789-805.
Hämäläinen, H. and Tanskanen, A.O. (2019). "Sandwich generation": Generational transmissions towards adult children and elderly parents. Journal of Family Studies.
Lago, I. and Torcal, M. (2019). Electoral coordination and party system institutionalization. Party Politics, online:
Liao, P.-S., Saris, W.E. and Zavala-Rojas, D. (2019). Cross-National Comparison of Equivalence and Measurement Quality of Response Scales in Denmark and Taiwan. Journal of Official Statistics, 35(1), pp. 117-135.
Manzi, C., Paderi, F., Benet-Martinez, V. and Coen, S. (2018). Age-based stereotype threat and negative outcomes in the work place: Exploring the role of identity integration. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49, pp. 705-716.
Martini, S. and Torcal M. (2019). Trust across political conflicts: Evidence from a survey experiment in divided societies. Party Politics, 25(2), pp. 126-139.
Moncagatta, P. and Espinosa C. (2019). No Country for the Right Wing? Actors, Trajectory, Supply and Demand for the Right in Ecuador. Colombia Internacional, 99, pp. 121-150.
Schwartz, S., Meca, A., Ward, C., Szabo, A., Benet-Martínez, V., et al. (2019). Biculturalism dynamics: A daily diary study of bicultural identity and psychosocial functioning. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 62, 266-37.
Repke, L. & Benet-Martinez, V. (2019). The interplay between the one and the others: Immigrants’ cultural identifications and their social networks. Journal of Social Issues, 75, 436--459. [Special Issue: “Identity multiplicity in the context of diversity: How to be ‘both’ – or more”].
Revilla, M., Bosch, O.J. and W. Weber (2019). Unbalanced 3-group Split-Ballot Multitrait-Multimethod design?. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, online.
Revilla, M., Couper, M.P. and C. Ochoa (2019). Willingness of online panelists to perform additional tasks. Methods, data, analyses, online.
Serani, D. (2019). A time-series cross-sectional analysis of the impact of political distrust and the economy in the aftermath of the Great Recession. Journal of European Politics and Society.
Torcal, M. y Christmann, P. 2019. “A General Distrust Syndrome? Explaining the Decline in Trust in European Institutions in Spain”. Journal of European Public Policy, 26:12, 1779-1798.
Arpino B., Gumà, J. and Julià A. (2018). The demography of grandparenthood: the role of life histories. Demographic Research, 39(42): 1105–1150. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2018.39.42
Christmann, P. (2018). Economic performance, quality of democracy and satisfaction with democracy. Electoral Studies, 53: 79-89. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2018.04.004
Gobel, M., Benet-Martinez, V., Mesquita, B., & Uskul, A. (2018). Europe’s culture(s): Negotiating cultural meanings, values, and identities in the European context. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49, 858–867. doi: 10.1177/0022022118779144
Gumà, J. and A. Blanes (2018). Sex differences in the association between Self-perceived health and mortality at adult ages in Europe. EMPIRIA, 39: 129-148. doi: 10.5944/empiria.39.2018.20880
Huynh, Q.-L., Benet-Martínez, V. and A.-M. D. Nguyen (2018). Measuring Variations in Bicultural Identity Across U.S. Ethnic and Generational Groups: Development and Validation of the Bicultural Identity Integration Scale-Version 2 (BIIS-2). Psychological Assessment, online. doi: 10.1037/pas0000606}
Lilgendahl, J., Benet-Martinez, V., Bishop, M., Gilson, K., et al. (2018). “So now, I wonder, what am I?” A narrative approach to bicultural identity integration. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49, 1596-1624. doi: 10.1177/0022022118801555
Martini, S. and M. Quaranta (2018). Political support among winners and losers: Within‐ and between‐country effects of structure, process and performance in Europe. European Journal of Political Research, online. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12284
Repke, L., and V. Benet-Martínez (2018). The (diverse) company you keep: Content and structure of immigrants’ social networks as a window into intercultural relations in Catalonia. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(6): 924-944. DOI: 10.1177/0022022117733475
Revilla, M. and C. Ochoa (2018). Alternative methods for selecting web survey samples. International Journal of Market Research, online. DOI: 10.1177/1470785318765537
Torcal, M. and P. Christmann (2018). Congruence, national context and trust in European institutions. Journal of European Public Policy, online. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2018.1551922
Torcal, M., Martini, S. and L. Orriols (2018). Deciding about the unknown: The effect of party and ideological cues on forming opinions about the European Union. European Union Politics, 19(3): 502-523. doi: 10.1177/1465116518769754
Vives, M. L., Repke, L. and A. Costa (2018). Does bilingualism really affect social flexibility?. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 21(5), 952-956. doi: 10.1017/S1366728918000123
Zavala-Rojas, D. (2018). Exploring Language Effects in Cross-cultural Survey Research: Does the Language of Administration Affect Answers About Politics?. Methods, data, analyses,12(1), 127-150. doi: 10.12758/mda.2017.16
Arpino, B. & Bordone, V. (2017). Regular provision of grandchild care and participation in social activities. Review of Economics of the Household, 15 (1), 135-174. doi: 10.1007/s11150-016-9322-4
Arpino B., De Benedictis L. & Mattei, A. (2017). Implementing Propensity Score Matching with Network Data: The effect of GATT on bilateral trade. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - C, 66(3), 537–554. doi: 10.1111/rssc.12173
Arpino B. and Valk, H.A.G. de (2017) Comparing life satisfaction of immigrants and natives across Europe: The role of social contacts. Social Indicators Research, online. doi: 10.1007/s11205-017-1629-x. doi: 10.1007/s11205-017-1629-x
Christmann, P. & Torcal, M. (2017). The Effects of Government System Fractionalization on Satisfaction with Democracy. Political Science Research and Methods. doi: 10.1017/psrm.2017.23
Christmann, P. & Torcal, M. (2017). The Political and Economic Causes of Satisfaction with Democracy in Spain – A Twofold Panel Study. West European Politics. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2017.1302178
DeCastellarnau, A. (2017). A classification of response scale characteristics that affect data quality: a literature review. Quality & Quantity, 1–37. doi: 10.1007/s11135-017-0533-4
DeCastellarnau, A., & Revilla, M. (2017). Two Approaches to Evaluate Measurement Quality in Online Surveys: An Application Using the Norwegian Citizen Panel. Survey Research Methods, 11(4), 415–433. doi: 10.18148/srm/2017.v11i4.7226
Dobney, S., Ochoa, C., and Revilla M. (2017). More Realism in Conjoint Analysis: The Effect of Textual Noise and Visual Style. International Journal of Market Research, 59(4), 495-516. doi: 10.2501/IJMR-2017-037
Gumà, J., Arpino, Bruno., Solé-Auró, Aïda. (2017). Determinantes sociales de la salud de distintos niveles por género: educación y hogar en España. Gaceta Sanitaria. doi: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2017.11.010
Helm, J. L., Castro-Schilo, L., Zavala-Rojas, D., DeCastellarnau, A. & Oravecz, Z. (2017). Bayesian Estimation of the True Score Multitrait–Multimethod Model with a Split-Ballot Design. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. doi: 10.1080/10705511.2017.1378103
Medeiros, M., Fournier, P., and Benet-Martinez, V. The language of threat: Linguistic perceptions and intergroup relations. Acta Política, 52(1): 1-22. doi: 10.1057/s41269-016-0023-z
Pirralha, A. (2017). The Link Between Political Participation and Life Satisfaction: A Three Wave Causal Analysis of the German SOEP Household Panel. Social Indicators Research. doi: 10.1007/s11205-017-1661-x
Repke, L. & Benet-Martínez, V. (2017). Conceptualizing the Dynamics between Bicultural Identification and Personal Social Networks. Front. Psychol. 8, 469. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00469
Revilla, M. (2017). Analyzing the survey characteristics, participation, and evaluation across 186 surveys in an online opt-in panel in Spain. Methods, data, analyses, 11(2), 135-162. doi: 10.12758/mda.2017.02
Revilla, M. (2017). Are there differences depending on the device used to complete a web survey (PC or smartphone) for order-by-click questions? Field Methods, First published online February 16, 2017. doi: 10.1177/1525822X16674701
Revilla, M., and M.P. Couper (2017). Comparing grids with vertical and horizontal item-by-item formats for PCs and Smartphones. Social Science Computer Review. First published online on June 22, 2017. doi: 10.1177/0894439317715626
Revilla, M. and C. Ochoa (2017). Ideal and maximum length for a web survey. International Journal of Market Research, 59 (5), 557-565. doi: 10.2501/IJMR-2017-039
Revilla, M., Ochoa, C., and A. Turbina (2017). Making use of Internet interactivity to propose a dynamic presentation of web questionnaires. Quality and Quantity, 51(3), 1321-1336. First published online on 29 March 2016. doi: 10.1007/s11135-016-0333-2
Revilla, M., Ochoa, C., and G. Loewe (2017). Using passive data from a meter to complement survey data in order to study online behavior. Social Science Computer Review, 35(4), 521-536. First published online on March 17, 2016. doi:10.1177/0894439316638457
Revilla, M., Toninelli, D., and C. Ochoa (2017). An experiment comparing grids and item-by-item formats in web surveys completed through PCs and smartphones. Telematics and Informatics, 34(1), 30-42. First published online: April 20, 2016. doi:10.1016/j.tele.2016.04.002. doi: 10.1016/j.tele.2016.04.002
Hong, Y.Y., Zhan, S., Morris, M., & Benet-Martinez, V. (2016). Multicultural identity processes. Current Opinion in Psychology, 8, 49-53. doi: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2015.09.020
Martini, S., & Torcal, M. (2016). Trust across political conflicts: evidence from a survey experiment in divided societies. Party Politics. doi: 10.1177/1354068816685933.
Pirralha, A. (2016). Political Participation and Wellbeing in the Netherlands: Exploring the Causal Links. Applied Research in Quality of Life. First published online: 05 April 2016. doi:10.1007/s11482-016-9463-x.
Quaranta M. and Martini S. (2016). Does the Economy Really Matter for Satisfaction with Democracy? Longitudinal and Cross-Country Evidence from the European Union, Electoral Studies, 42, 164-174. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2016.02.015
Quaranta M. and Martini S. (2016) Easy Come, Easy Go? Economic Performance and Satisfaction with Democracy in Southern Europe in the Last Three Decades, Social Indicators Research, 659–680. doi: 10.1007/s11205-016-1270-0
Revilla, M., and C. Ochoa (2016). Open narrative questions in PC and smartphones: is the device playing a role? Quality and Quantity, 50 (6), 2495–2513. First published online on October 13, 2015. doi: 10.1007/s11135-015-0273-2
Revilla, M., Toninelli, D., Ochoa, C., and G. Loewe (2016). Do online access panels really need to allow and adapt surveys to mobile devices? Internet Research, 26(5), 1209 - 1227. doi: 10.1108/IntR-02-2015-0032
Saris, W., Pirralha, A., Zavala-Rojas, D. (2016). Testing the comparability of different types of Social Indicators across groups. Social Indicators Research. First published online: 28 November 2016. doi: 10.1007/s11205-016-1506-z
Saris, W.E. and Revilla, M. (2016) Correction for measurement errors in survey research: necessary and possible. Social Indicators Research, 127 (3), 1005–1020. doi: 10.1007/s11205-015-1002-x
Toninelli, D. and Revilla, M. (2016). Smartphones vs PCs: Does the Device Affect the Web Survey Experience and the Measurement Error for Sensitive Topics? A Replication of the Mavletova & Couper’s 2013 Experiment. Survey Research Methods, 10(2),153-169. doi: 10.18148/srm/2016.v10i2.6274
Torcal, M., Rodon, T., & Hierro, M. J. (2016). Word on the Street: The Persistence of Leftist-dominated Protest in Europe. West European Politics, 39(2), 326-350. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2015.1068525}
Ferrari, L., Rosnati, R., Manzi, C., & Benet-Martinez, V. (2015). Ethnic identity, bicultural identity integration, and psychological well-being among transracial adoptees: A longitudinal study. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 150, 63-76. doi: 10.1002/cad.20122
Martini S. and Quaranta M. (2015) Finding Out the Hard Way: Uncovering the Structural Foundations of Political Dissatisfaction in Italy, 1973-2013, West European Politics 38(1), 28-52. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2014.943524
Revilla, M. (2015) Effect of using different labels for the scales in a web survey. International Journal of Market Research, 57(2), 225-238. First published online on June 1, 2014. doi: 10.2501/IJMR-2014-028
Revilla, M. (2015) Impact of raising awareness of respondents on the measurement quality in a web survey. Quality and Quantity. First published online: May 9, 2015. doi: 10.1007/s11135-015-0216-y
Revilla, M., Cornilleau, A., Cousteaux, A.S., Legleye, S., and De Pedraza, P. (2015) What is the gain in a probability-based online panel of providing Internet access to sampling units who previously had no access? Social Science Computer Review. First published online: 16 June 2015. doi: 10.1177/0894439315590206
Revilla, M., and Ochoa, C. (2015) What are the links in a web survey between response time, quality and auto-evaluation of the efforts done?. Social Science Computer Review, 33(1), 97-114. First published online: May 14, 2014: doi:10.1177/0894439314531214
Revilla, M., Saris, W.E., Loewe, G, and Ochoa, C. (2015) Can a non-probabilistic online panel get similar question quality as the ESS? International Journal of Market Research, 57(3), 395-412. Access to the article.
Weber, W. and Saris W. E. (2015) The relationship between issues and an individual’s left–right orientation. Acta Politica, 1–21. doi:10.1057/ap.2014.5
Batista-Foguet, J.M, Revilla, M., Saris, W.E, Boyatzis, R., and R. Serlavós (2014) Reassessing the Effect of Survey Characteristics on Common Method Bias in Emotional and Social Intelligence Competencies Assessment. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Published online: 21 Aug 2014. doi: 10.1080/10705511.2014.934767
Manzi, C., Ferrari, L., Rosnati, R., & Benet-Martinez, V. (2014). Bicultural identity integration of transracial adolescent adoptees: Antecedents and outcomes. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45, 888-904. doi: 10.1177/0022022114530495
Revilla, M. (2014) Comparison of the quality estimates in a mixed-mode and a unimode design: an experiment from the European Social Survey. Quality and Quantity. doi: 10.1007/s11135-014-0044-5
Schmitz, L. and Weber, W. (2014). Are Hofstede’s cultural dimensions valid? A test for measurement invariance of Uncertainty Avoidance. Interculture journal: Online Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Studien, 13(22), 11-26. Access to the article.
Schwartz, S., Benet-Martínez, V., Knight, G., Unger, J., et al. (2014). Effects of language of assessment on acculturation: Measurement equivalence and cultural frame switching. Psychological Assessment, 26, 110-114. doi: 10.1037/a0034717
Torcal, M. (2014): The Decline of Political Trust in Spain and Portugal: Economic Performance or Political Responsiveness. American Behavioral Scientist, 1-26. doi: 10.1177/0002764214534662
Torcal, M. (2014): The Incumbent Electoral Defeat in the 2011 Spanish National Elections: The Effect of the Economic Crisis in an Ideological Polarized Party System. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 24(2), 224-242. doi: 10.1080/17457289.2014.891598
Torcal, M., & Maldonado, G. (2014) Revisiting the Dark Side of Political Deliberation: The Effects of Media and Political Discussion on Political Interest. Public Opinion Quarterly, 1-28. doi: 10.1093/poq/nfu035
Weber, W. and Saris, W.E. (2014) The relationship between issues and an individual’s left–right orientation. Acta Politica. Advance online publication, 4 April 2014. doi:10.1057/ap.2014.5
Guillen, L. and Saris, W. (2013) Competencies, Personality Traits, and Organizational Rewards of Middle Managers: A Motive-Based Approach, Human Performance, 26(1); 66-92. doi: 10.1080/08959285.2012.736898
Kyvik, O., Saris, W., Bonet, E. and Felício, J.A. (2013) The internationalization of small firms: The relationship between the global mindset and firms’ internationalization behavior, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Published online: 19 April 2013. doi: 10.1007/s10843-013-0105-1
Moncagatta, P. (2013) El perfil socio-demográfico del votante de Rafael Correa, Carta Económica - Corporación de Estudios para el Desarrollo (CORDES), 19(3), 2-4. Access to the article
Moncagatta, P. (2013) Support for democracy in Venezuela: Does trust in Hugo Chávez play any role?, Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública, 3, 113-141. Access to the article
Moncagatta, P. and Safranoff, A. (2013) ¿Quién apoya a la izquierda "populista" latinoamericana?, Revista Mexicana de Análisis Político y Administración Pública, 2(1), 29-48. Access to the article
Nguyen, A.M., & Benet-Martínez, V. (2013). Biculturalism and adjustment: A meta-analysis.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44, 122-159. doi: 10.1177/0022022111435097
Revilla, M. (2013) Measurement invariance and quality of composite scores in a face-to-face and a web survey, Survey Research Methods, 7(1), 17-28 doi: 10.18148/srm/2013.v7i1.5098
Revilla, M., Ochoa, C., and G. Loewe (2013) How the form of asking respondents' three preferred brands changes the results. Metodología de Encuestas. Access to the article
Revilla, M. and Saris, W. (2013) A Comparison of the Quality of Questions in a Face-to-face and a Web Survey, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 25(2); 242-253. First published online April 17, 2012. doi: 10.1093/ijpor/eds007
Revilla, M. and Saris, W. (2013) The Split-ballot Multitrait-Multimethod Approach: Implementation and Problems, Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 20(1), 27-46. doiI: 10.1080/10705511.2013.742379
Revilla, M., Saris, W. and Krosnick, J.A. (2013) Choosing the number of categories in agree-disagree scales, Sociological Methods and Research. First published online: December 10, 2013. doi: 10.1177/0049124113509605
Saad, C., Damian, K., Benet-Martínez, V., Moons, W.G., & Robins, R. (2013). Multiculturalism and creativity: Effects of cultural context, bicultural identity, and cognitive fluency. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4, 368-374. doi: 10.1177/1948550612456560
Saris, W.E., Knoppen, D. and Schwartz, S. H. (2013) Operationalizing the Theory of Human Values: Balancing Homogeneity of Reflective Items and Theoretical Coverage, Survey Research Methods, 7(1), 29-44. doi: 10.18148/srm/2013.v7i1.5040
Torcal, M., & Mota, F. (2013). The Role of Political Parties in Shaping Citizens’ Political Preferences for the Territorial Organization of the State: The Spanish Case. European Political Science Review, 1-26. DOI: 10.1017/S1755773913000210. doi: 10.1017/S1755773913000210
Vannieuwenhuyze, J. and Revilla, M. (2013) Relative Mode Effects on Data Quality in Mixed-Mode Surveys by an Instrumental Variable, Survey Research Methods, 7(3), 157-168. doi: 10.18148/srm/2013.v7i3.5137
Weber,W. (2013) Behind left and right. The meaning of left-right orientation in Europe. Barcelona, Ph.D. thesis of Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Published book chapters (last five years)
Beilmann M., Lilleoja L., Realo A. (2021) Learning to Trust: Trends in Generalized Social Trust in the Three Baltic Countries from 1990 to 2018. In: Almakaeva A., Moreno A., Wilkes R. (eds) Social Capital and Subjective Well-Being. Societies and Political Orders in Transition. Springer, Cham.
Benet-Martinez, V. (2021). Culture and personality processes: Some basic tenets and current directions. In Rauthman, J. (Ed.), Handbook of personality dynamics and processes. Elsevier Press.
Benet-Martinez, V., Lee, F., & Cheng, C. (2021). Bicultural Identity Integration (BII): Components, psychosocial antecedents, and outcomes. In M. Guelfand, C.Y. Chiu, & Y.Y. Hong (Eds.), Handbook of advances in culture and psychology, 8, 244-288. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Carty, E., y Torcal, M. (2021). "Estructura de activismo político en la América Latina Contemporánea: Un enfoque de análisis de clases latentes comparada", en Manuel Alcántara and Porfirio Cardona Restrepo, eds., Dilemas de la Representación Democrática. Bogotá y Medellín: Tirant Lo Blanch y Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, pp. 309-340.
Oishi, S., Kushlev, K., & Benet-Martínez, V. (2021). Culture and personality. In O.P. John, R.W. Robins (Eds.), Handbook of personality: Theory and research (4th edition). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Toninelli, D. and Revilla, M. (2020). How Mobile Device Screen Size Affects Data Collected in Web Surveys. In P. Beatty, D. Collins, L. Kaye, J. L. Padilla, G. Willis and A. Wilmot (Eds.), Advances in Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation and Testint. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Torcal, M. and Christmann, P. (2020). Political Culture in Spain in the Twenty-First Century: symptoms of a crisis of representation. In D. Muro & I. Lago (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Spanish Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198826934.001.0001
Benet-Martínez, V. (2018). Multicultural identity and experiences: Cultural, social, and personality processes. In K. Deaux & M. Snyder (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of personality and social psychology (2nd edition). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190224837.013.29
Weber, Wiebke and Ciornei, I. (2018). Solidaridad europea y crisis financiera en España. In Mariano Torcal (Ed.), Opinión pública y cambio electoral en España. Claves ante el reto europeo y la crisis política y económica. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS). ISBN: 9788474767834
Schwartz, S., Birman, D., Benet-Martínez, V., & Unger, J. (2017). Biculturalism: Negotiating multiple cultural streams. In S. Schwartz & J. Unger (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of acculturation and health. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190215217.013.3
Torcal, M. (2017). Political trust in Western and Southern Europe. In S. Zmerli & T. van der Meer (Eds.), Handbook on Political Trust. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 978 1 78254 510 1. doi: 10.1080/21515581.2017.1364481
Kriesi, H. & Saris, W. (2016) The Structure of the Evaluations of Democracy. In M. Ferrín & H. Kriesi (Eds.), How Europeans View and Evaluate Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198766902.001.0001
Kriesi, H., Saris, W., & Moncagatta, P. (2016) The Structure of Europeans' Views of Democracy. Citizens' Models of Democracy. In M. Ferrín & H. Kriesi (Eds.), How Europeans View and Evaluate Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198766902.003.0004
Revilla, M., Zavala-Rojas, D., & Saris, W. (2016) Creating a good question: How to use cumulative experience. In C. Wolf, D. Joye & Y. Fu (Eds), The SAGE Handbook of Survey Methodology. SAGE. doi: 10.4135/9781473957893.n17
Torcal, M., & Trechsel, A. (2016) Explaining the citizens’ evaluations of democracy. In M. Ferrín & H. Kriesi (Eds.), How Europeans View and Evaluate Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198766902.003.0010
van der Zee, K., Benet-Martinez, V., & van Oudenhoven, J.P. (2016) Personality and acculturation. In D. Sam and J. W. Berry (Eds), The Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology. New York, NY, US: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781316219218.005
Benet-Martinez, V., Donnellan, M. B., Fleeson, W., Fraley, R. C. et al. (2015). Six visions for the future of personality psychology. In M. L. Cooper & R. J. Larsen (Eds.), Handbook of personality processes and individual differences (pp. 665-689). Washington, DC: APA, American Psychological Association. doi: 10.1037/14343-030
Gallardo-Pujol, D., Orekhova, L., Benet-Martinez, V., & Slater, M. (2015). Taking evil into the lab: Exploring the frontiers of morality and individual differences. In C. Miller, A. Knobel, M. Furr, & W. Fleeson (Eds.), Character: New directions from philosophy, psychology, and theology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190204600.001.0001
Revilla, M. , Toninelli, D., Ochoa, C., and Loewe, G. (2015) Who has access to mobile devices in an online opt-in panel? An analysis of potential respondents for mobile surveys. In D. Toninelli, R. Pinter, and P. de Pedraza (eds), Mobile Research Methods: Opportunities and challenges of mobile research methodologies, pp. 119-139 (Chapter 8). London: Ubiquity Press. License: CC-BY 4.0. doi: 10.5334/bar.h
Revilla, M. and Saris, W.E. (2015) Estimating and comparing the quality of different scales of an online survey using an MTMM approach. In Engel, U. (Ed), Survey Measurements: Techniques, Data Quality and sources of Error. Campus. Frankfurt. New York. ISBN: 9783593502809.
Revilla, M. (2013) "Slope, intercept in regression", "Disturbance terms" and "Reciprocal causation". Three entries to appear in Michalos, Alex C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research, Springer, ISBN 978-94-007-0752-8.
Saris, W.E. (2013) The prediction of question quality: The SQP 2.0 software, in B. Kleiner, I. Renschler, B. Wernli, P. Farago and D. Joye (eds.) Understanding Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences (pp. 135-144). Zurich: Seismo Press. ISBN 978-3-03777-133-4
Benet-Martinez, V. (2012). Multiculturalism: Cultural, social, and personality processes. In K. Deaux & M. Snyder (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of personality and social psychology (pp. 623-648). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-539899-1.
Oberski, D.L., Weber, W. and Revilla, M. (2012). The effect of individual characteristics on reports of socially desirable attitudes towards immigration. In S. Salzborn, E. Davidov and J. Reinecke (Eds.), Methods, Theories, and Empirical Applications in the Social Sciences (pp. 151-158). Springer. ISBN 978-3-531-18898-0
Torcal, M. and Moncagatta, P. (2011) Political support, in B. Badie, D. Berg-Schlosser and L. Morlino (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Political Science (pp. 2564-2567). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN 978-1-4129-5963-6
Published Books (last five years)
Torcal, M. (2023). De votantes a hooligans. La polarización política en España. Madrid: Catarata.
Doblhammer, G., & Gumà, J. (Eds.) (2018). A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe. Springer International Publishing. eBook ISBN 978-3-319-72356-3.
Torcal, M. (Ed.) (2018). Opinión pública y cambio electoral en España. Claves ante el reto europeo y la crisis política y económica. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS). ISBN: 9788474767834
Benet-Martínez, V., & Hong, Y-Y. (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Multicultural Identity. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. [Winner of 2015 APA Award Division 52 --International Psychology]. ISBN: 9780199796694
Saris, W. and Gallhofer, I. (2014). Design, Evaluation, and Analysis of Questionnaires for Survey Research. Wiley Series in Survey Methodology. Print ISBN:9780470114957, Online ISBN:9780470165195
Other publications of interest
Saris, W. E., & Kaase, M. (Eds.). (1997). "Eurobarometer: measurement instruments for opinions in Europe" (ZUMA-Nachrichten Spezial, 2). Mannheim: Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen -ZUMA-. Read here
Willem E. Saris and W. Marius de Pijper (1986) "Computer assisted interviewing using home computers" In European Research: 144-150. Read here
Willem E. Saris (1998) "Ten Years of Interviewing Without Interviewers: The Telepanel" In Computer Assisted Survey Information Collection, Edited by Mick P. Couper, Reginald P. Baker, Jelke Bethlehem, et al: 409-429. ISBN 0-471-17848-9 Read here.