Working Papers



Oberski, D. L. & DeCastellarnau, A. Predicting measurement error variance in social surveys. (2021). RECSM Working Paper 63.

Bosch, O. J. and Revilla, M. (2021). When survey science met online tracking: presenting an error framework for metered data. RECSM Working Paper 62.



Poses, C. and Revilla, M. (2020). Estimating the size of measurement errors of the Satisfaction With Democracy survey indicator for different scales, countries, and languages. RECSM Working Paper 61(NOT FOR CITATION, final version in European Political Science Review, 2021, pp.1-18.

Revilla, M. and Rubio, M. (2020). Support for mitigation and adaptation climate change policies: effects of five attitudinal factors. RECSM Working Paper 60.



Hämäläinen, H., Tanskanen, A. O., Danielsbacka, M. and Arpino, B. (2018). Reciprocity between family generations in Germany: A Within-Person Examination of Longitudinal Data. RECSM Working Paper 59.

Bosch, O. J., Revilla, M. and Paura, E. (2018). Do Millennials differ in terms of survey participation?. RECSM Working Paper 58.

Bosch, O. J. and Revilla, M. (2018). The use of emojis by Millennials. RECSM Working Paper 57

Arpino, B., Le Moglie, M., and Mencarini, L. (2018). Machine-Learning techniques for family demography: An application of random forests to the analysis of divorce determinants in Germany. RECSM Working Paper 56. 

Di Gessa, G., Bordone, V., and Arpino, B. (2018). The impact of fertility and education on changes across cohorts and geographical areas in the demography of grandparenthood: the Italian case". RECSM Working Paper 55.

Cannas, M. and Arpino, B. (2018). Machine learning for propensity score matching and weighting: comparing different estimation techniques and assessing different balance diagnostics. RECSM Working Paper 54



DeCastellarnau, A. and Revilla, M. (2017). Two approaches to evaluate measurement quality in online surveys: An application using the Norwegian Citizen Panel. RECSM Working Paper 53

Muradova, L. H. (2017). Mass public decisions to promote democracy: the role of foreign policy dispositions. RECSM Working Paper 52. External researcher in collaboration with RECSM.

Pessin, L., and Arpino, B. (2017). Country-of-Origin Gender Ideology and Immigrants’ Gender Role Attitudes Toward Women’s Employment. RECSM Working Paper 51

Arpino, B. , Gumà, J. and Julià, A. (2017). The demography of grandparenthood: the role of family histories. RECSM Working Paper 50



Luppi, F. and Arpino, B. (2016). Childcare arrangements and mother's satisfaction with work-family balance. RECSM Working Paper 49. 

Saris, W. and Gallhofer, I. (2016). Arguments of physicists concerning the use of the first atomic bomb. RECSM Working Paper 48. 

Arpino, B. (2016). Matching pre-processing of split-ballot survey data for the analysis of double standards. RECSM Working Paper 47



Revilla, M., Toninelli, D. and Ochoa, C. (2015). An experiment comparing grids and item-by-item formats in web surveys completed through PC and smartphones. RECSM Working Paper 46. (NOT FOR CITATION, published in Telematics and Informatics, 34(1): 30-42, February 2017. First published online: April 20, 2016. doi:10.1016/j.tele.2016.04.002.)

LilleojaI, L. and Saris, W. (2015). Does Correction for Measurement Error Have an Effect on the Structure and Comparability of Basic Human Values?. RECSM Working Paper 45

Arpino, B., De Benedictis, L. and Mattei, A. (2015). Implementing Propensity Score Matching with Network Data: The effect of GATT on bilateral trade. RECSM Working Paper 44

Arpino, B. and Cannas, M. (2015). Comparing different approaches for propensity score matching with clustered data: a simulation study. RECSM Working Paper 43. (not for citation, final version is forthcoming in Statistics on Medicine. Published online before print February 1, 2016, doi:10.1002/sim.6880)

Arpino, B. and Bordone, V. (2015). Regular provision of grandchild care and participation in social activities. RECSM Working Paper 42. (not for citation, final version is forthcoming in the Review of Economics of the Household. Published online before print January 21, 2016, doi: 10.007/s11150-016-9322-4)



Revilla, M.; Toninelli D.; Ochoa C. and Loewe G. (2014). Do online access panels really need to allow and adapt surveys to mobile devices?. RECSM Working Paper 41. (not for citation, published in Internet Research, 26(5), 1209 - 1227. Available at:

Pirralha, A. and Weber, W. (2014). Evaluations of the measurement of the concepts 'Political Satisfaction' and 'Quality of state services. RECSM Working Paper 40

Saris, W. (2014). Evaluation of the quality and invariance of survey questions. RECSM Working Paper 39. 

Zavala-Rojas, D. (2014). A procedure to prevent differences in translated survey items using SQP. RECSM Working Paper 38.  

Revilla, M., Ochoa, C.; Turbina, A.; and Saris, W. (2014). Forcing respondents of online surveys to slow down: An effective strategy?. RECSM Working Paper 37.



Revilla, M., and Ochoa, C. (2013). What are the links in a web survey between response time, quality and auto-evaluation of the efforts done?. RECSM Working Paper 36. (not for citation, final version published in Social Science Computer Review, 33(1), 97-114, (2015). First published online on May 14, 2014: doi:10.1177/0894439314531214)

Revilla, M., Ochoa, C., and Loewe, G. (2013). How the form of asking respondents’ three preferred brands changes the results. RECSM Working Paper 35. (not for citation, published in Metodología de Encuestas, 16, 67-82, (2014))

Revilla, M., and Ochoa, C. (2013). Quality of different scales in an online survey in Mexico and Colombia. RECSM Working Paper 34. (not for citation, published in Journal of Politics in Latin America, 7(3), 157–177. Available at:

Revilla, M., Saris, W., Loewe, G., and Ochoa, C. (2013). Can an online panel oriented to marketing surveys get similar SEM estimates of question quality as the face-to-face European Social Survey?. RECSM Working Paper 33. (Available at:

Revilla, M. (2013). Impact of formulating a careful introduction and ask respondents to commit themselves on the quality in a web panel survey. RECSM Working Paper 32. 

Saris, W., and Revilla, M. (2013). Correction for measurement errors in survey research: necessary and possible. RECSM Working Paper 31. (not for citation, published in the Social Indicators Research, 127(3), 1005-1020. (2016). First published online: 17 June 2015. doi:10.1007/s11205-015-1002-x)

Revilla, M. (2013). Effect of using different labels for the scales in a web survey. RECSM Working Paper 30. (not for citation, published in the International Journal of Market Research, 57(2):225-238. (2015). First published online: June 1, 2014. doi:10.2501/IJMR-2014-028)



Zavala Rojas, D. (2012). Evaluation of the concepts 'Trust in institutions' and 'Trust in authorities' (European Social Survey Deliverable 12.4: Evaluation of questions and concepts - report 2 (Political Trust)). RECSM Working Paper 29.

Lilleoja, L., and Saris, W. (2012). Testing a New Operationalization of the Basic Values in Estonia on two subpopulations: A Estonian and a Russian speaking subpopulation. RECSM Working Paper 28. 

Moncagatta, P. (2012). Towards a better comprehension of satisfaction with democracy. RECSM Working Paper 27. 

Saris, W. (2012). Evaluation procedures for survey questions. RECSM Working Paper 26. 

Coromina, L., Saris, W., and Lilleoja, L. (2012). Measurement of concepts based on the media module of the ESS. RECSM Working Paper 25



Saris, W., Oberski, D., Revilla, M., Zavala, D., Lilleoja, L., Gallhofer, I., and Gruner, T. (2011). The development of the program SQP 2.0 for the prediction of the quality of survey questions. RECSM Working Paper 24

Saris, W., and Gallhofer, I. (2011). The results of the MTMM experiments in round 2 (of the European Social Survey). RECSM Working Paper 23. 

Saris, W. (2011). Is there anything wrong with the MTMM approach to question evaluation?. RECSM Working Paper 22

Revilla, M. (2011). Impact of the mode of data collection on the quality of survey questions depending on respondents' characteristics. RECSM Working Paper 21. (not for citation, published on October 4, 2012 in the Bulletin of Sociological Methodology / Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique 116(1), 44–60. doi: 10.1177/0759106312456510)

Moncagatta, P., and Torcal, M. (2011). A multi-dimensional analysis of support for democracy: Venezuela and Chile in comparative perspective. RECSM Working Paper 20.

Revilla, M., and Saris, W.E. (2011). The split-ballot multitrait-multimethod approach: Implementation and problems. RECSM Working Paper 19. (not for citation, published in Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 20(1). pp.27-46. (2013)  doi:10.1080/10705511.2013.742379)



Zavala Rojas, D. (2010). State orthodoxy versus religious freedom? The case for religious education in Norway and Turkey. RECSM Working Paper 18.

Weber, W. (2010). Can the left-right scale travel? A note on the comparatibility of its use in Europe and across generations in East and West Germany. RECSM Working Paper 17.

Revilla, M. (2010). Quality in Unimode and Mixed-Mode Designs: A Multitrait-Multimethod Approach. RECSM Working Paper 16. (published in the Survey Research Methods Journal, 4(3). 2010.

Weber, W. and Saris, W.E. (2011). The Relationship Between Issues and Individuals' Left-Right Orientation. RECSM Working Paper 15. (not for citation, final version published in Acta Politica, 50(2), 193-213 doi:10.1057/ap.2014.5, 4 April 2014)

Guillen, L., Coromina, L. and Saris, W.E. (2010). Measurement of Social Participation and its Place in Social Capital Theory. RECSM Working Paper 14. 

Revilla, M., and Saris, W.E. (2010). A Comparison of Surveys Using Different Modes of Data Collection: European Social Survey versus LISS Panel. RECSM Working Paper 13. (not for citation, final version as Tesi doctoral UPF/2012: "Impact of the mode of data collection on the quality of survey questions in social sciences" , Revilla, M.(2012). Available at:;jsessionid=29015943F758E4B1F0E59564B970F4FC.tdx2?sequence=1)

Torcal, M., and Maldonado, G. (2010). Attitudes Toward Democracy and the Mechanisms of Voting Intermediation. RECSM Working Paper 12. 



Oberski, D., Hagenaars, J., and Saris, W.E. (2009). Latent Class Multitrait-Multimethod Models. RECSM Working Paper 11. 

Oberski, D., Saris, W.E., and Hagenaars, J. (2009 ).Categorization errors and differences in the quality of questions across countries. RECSM Working Paper 10. 

Knoppen, D., and Saris, W.E. (2009). Schwartz's Theory of Human Values: Balancing Homogeneity of Reflective Items and Theoretical Coverage. RECSM Working Paper 9. 

Van Der Veld, W.M., and Saris, W.E. (2009). Causes of Generalized Social Trust: An Innovative Cross-National Evaluation. RECSM Working Paper 8. 

Corten, I.W., Saris, W.E., and Satorra, A. (2009). Can Fit Indices be used to evaluate Structural Equation Models?. RECSM Working Paper 7. 

Riba, C., Torcal, M., and Morales, L. (2009). Estrategias para aumentar la tasa de respuesta y sus resultados en la ESE en España. RECSM Working Paper 6. 

Revilla, M., Saris, W.E., and Krosnick, J.A. (2009). Choosing the number of categories in agree-disagree scales. RECSM Working Paper 5. (not for citation, final version published in Sociological Methods and Research. Published online before print December 10, 2013, doi: 10.1177/0049124113509605

Moncagatta, P. (2009). The paradox of support for democracy in Venezuela. RECSM Working Paper 4.

Saris, W.E., and Trocal, M. (2009). Alternative measurement procedures and models for Political Efficacy. RECSM Working Paper 3. 

Saris, W.E. (2009). The MTMM approach to coping with measurement errors in survey research. RECSM Working Paper 2. 

Saris, W.E., Revilla, M., Krosnick J.A., and Shaeffer, E. M. (2009). Comparing Questions with Agree/Disagree Response Options to Questions with Item-Specific Response Options. RECSM Working Paper 1. (published in the Survey Research Methods Journal, 4(1). 2010. doi: 10.18148/srm/2010.v4i1.2682)

Extra files, appendixes, etc.

Saris, W. and Gallhofer, I. (2016) Arguments of physicist concerning the use of the first atomic bomb. RECSM Working Paper 48 

  • Argumentations of the scientists (.pdf)

Lilleoja, L. and Saris, W. (2015). Does Correction for Measurement Error Have an Effect on the Structure and Comparability of Basic Human Values?. RECSM Working Paper 45

Pirralha, A. and Weber, W. (2014). Evaluations of the measurement of the concepts 'Political Satisfaction' and 'Quality of state services. RECSM Working Paper 40.

  • Political Satisfaction & Quality of state services cumulative data file (Stata format) (.zip)

Zavala Rojas, D. (2012). Evaluation of the concepts 'Trust in institutions' and 'Trust in authorities' (European Social Survey Deliverable 12.4: Evaluation of questions and concepts - report 2 (Political Trust)). RECSM Working Paper 29. 

  • Media, IPIM & Political Trust cumulative data file (SPSS format) (.zip)

Coromina, L., Saris, W., and Lilleoja, L. (2012). Measurement of concepts based on the media module of the ESS. RECSM Working Paper 25.

  • Media & IPIM cumulative data file (SPSS format) (.zip)
  • SB-MTMM input (.pdf)
  • SB-MTMM qualities (.pdf)
  • Scores (.pdf)
  • Quality (.pdf)
  • Error variance (.pdf)
  • Numerical values for new countries (.pdf)
  • Quantification of categories (.pdf)
  • Detecting deviating intercepts (.pdf)
  • Detection of deviating loadings (.pdf)