Currently, teaching at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in the degrees:
- Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
- Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies
- Master of Teacher Training for Secondary Schools (English-as-a second-language)
Courses taught at UPF
- Intercultural Spaces, Languages and Identities
- Introduction to Classroom Research
- English Language for the Humanities
- Discourse Analysis
- Lenguaje e identidad en las sociedades multiculturales
- Lenguaje, identidad y comunicación intercultural
- Anàlisi lingüística de textos literaris
- English Language and Literature
- English Literature
- English Language Teaching and Learning
- Lenguaje, interculturalidad y medios de comunicación
- New Technologies in the Language Classroom
Innovation projects funded by UPF PlaQuid and PlaCLIK programs
E202014355, 36 PlaQuid, 2018-2019 - 2, 33 PlaQuid, 2011-12, 62 PlaQuid 2011-12, 32 PlaQuid 2010-11, 77 PlaQuid 2009-10, 88 PlaQuid 2009-10, PMSIQD 2005 2, PMSIQD 2003 2, and 64 PlaQuid, 2009-2010.