Professor of English Studies holding a Chair in Applied Linguistics and Multilingualism at the Department of Humanities of the UPF, where, since 1993, she has taught English, sociolinguistics, interculturality and discourse analysis (undergraduate Degrees of Humanities and of Global Studies) and in the field of applied and sociolinguistics (Masters of Communication and of ESL Teacher Training for Secondary Schools).

Principal researcher of GREILI-UPF (Research Group on Intercultural Spaces, Languages and Identities) and researcher of the consolidated research group ALLENCAM (Acquisition of Languages from the Multilingual Catalonia).

Currently, her lines of research include qualitative studies and mixed methods on:

  • Ideologies and language practices in multilingual and multicultural contexts.
  • Language teaching, acquisition and learning in multilingual and international contexts.
  • Transcultural competence in internationalized educational contexts and stays abroad.
  • Language policy.

She has also researched processes of reading literary texts in a foreign language, as well as the use of technology in language learning and teaching contexts. She has been a principal researcher of seven competitive projects  (PID2022-141945NB-I00, AEI/FEDER UE-PGC2018-098815-B-I00, FFI2014-52663-P, 2010ARAFI-000017, 2009-ARAFI-00049, 2008AIRE-00018 i 2010ACUP 00344) (see latest projects: TRANSLINGUAM-UNI and INCLU-LINGUAM).

Author and editor of books (E-mails a una Mestra, Nuevas Tecnologías para el Autoaprendizaje y la Didáctica de Lenguas and Experiencias de Innovación Docente en la Enseñanza Universitaria de las Humanidades), as well as author of book chapters published in publishers such as John Benjamins, Milenio, Multilingual Matters, Octaedro and  Routledge. She has also published scientific articles in such national and international journals as Language and Linguistic Compass, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Journal of Sociolinguistics, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Canadian Modern Language Review, Articles de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura, Diálogos Hispánicos, Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, Atlantis, Temps d’Educació, Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana, and English for Specific Purposes.

Board member of CEL/ELC (Conseil Européen des Langues/European Language Council) since 2015, SOCS (Societat Catalana de Sociolingüística/Catalan Society for Sociolinguistics) (2019-2024), and Consell Superior d'Avaluació del Sistema Educatiu (Council for the Evaluation of the Educational System) of Catalonia since 2021, as well as member of the Regional Advisory Committee (Europe) of The Global Council for Anthropological Linguistics (GLOCAL) at SOAS-University of London. Member of the COST ACTION networks "Study Abroad in European Perspective" and "European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice".

As a university administrator, she is the Director of the Department of Humanities (since 2024) and she has been Academic Coordinator of the Degree in Global Studies (2023-2024), Commissioner for Language Policy (2021-2023), Vice-Chancellor of Teaching and Academic Planning (2013-2017), Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (2008-2013), Interuniversity Coordinator of the Master's Degree in ESL Teacher Training for Secondary Schools (2007), Coordinator of the Program of Special Academic Activities (2003-2007), Vice-Dean (2000-2003) and Faculty Coordinador (Language and Literature section) of the Department of Humanities (2018-2020).