Atrás DTIC researchers have started this summer the contract negotiation for 3 new collaborative European research projects.

DTIC researchers have started this summer the contract negotiation for 3 new collaborative European research projects.



As a result of the European call of the H2020-ICT-2017 which closed last 25th April 2017, three new European projects will start during the next term.

The three new research  projects are as follows:

- Smart Asset re-Use in Creative Environments (SAUCE), led by the Principal Investigators: Josep Blat  (Director of the Interactive Technologies Research Group: GTI) and Marcelo Bertalmío (director of the research group Image Processing for Enhanced Cinematography: IP4EC). The project will be funded as part of the research topic: ICT-20-2017: Tools for smart digital content in the creative industries.

- Visual and textual content re-purposing FOR(4) architecture, Design and video virtual reality games (V4Design). Led by main researcher: Leo Wanner (director of the research group Natural Language Processing: TALN) . The project will also be funded as part of the research topic: ICT-20-2017: Tools for smart digital content in the creative industries

- Bidirectional Hyper-Connected Neural System  (EXTEND), led by Principal Investigator: Antoni Ivorra ( director of the research group Biomedical Electronics: BERG). This project was submitted to the research topic: ICT-23-2017: Interfaces for accessibility

In the H2020-ICT-2017 call, according to the European Commission, a total of 995 proposalts were presented.  It is worth noting that a total of 115 proposals were presented to the research topic ICT-20-2017: Tools for smart digital content in the creative industries , and only 5 projects will finally be funded; which includes our new  projects SAUCE coordinated from the DTIC@UPF and also the project V4Design. This call aimed at the creative industries has been highly competitive and its success ratio has been under 5%.

In relation to the research topic ICT-23-2017: Interfaces for accessibility, a total of 84 proposals were presented, and around 2 or 3 projects are foreseen to be finally financed. Therefore the success ratio in this call will be around the 3%.

It has been a highly competitive call, and we congratulate the main researchers for the good results.





ODS - Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
