Back Hernandez Leo, Davinia


Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions
Interactive Technologies Distributed for Education

Since 2019 Davinia Hernández-Leo is a Full Professor and Serra Húnter Fellow at our Department. She was born in Plasencia, and obtained a degree and a Ph.D on Telecommunication Engineering at University of Valladolid, Spain. She has been visiting researcher at Open Universityof the Netherlands, Fulbright Scholar at Virginia Tech and visiting research fellow at the University of Sydney. Her research lies at the intersection of network and computer applications, human-computer interaction and learning sciences. She is tackling two challenges, first, providing design techniques and systems that enable the co-creation of interoperable learning activities, second, supporting the distributed orchestration of seamless collaborative learning flows using service-oriented architectures and new devices. She has participated in multiple founded projects and is the technical leader of the METIS Integrated Learning Design Environment. She is also active in Engineering Education projects. Her research has been published in more than 100 peer-reviewed journal papers, book chapters and conference papers. She has received several awards, including best paper awards and the European award for excellence in CSCL and an ICREA Academia prize. She is former associate editor for IEEE Transactions of Learning Technologies, former Vice-President of the European Association on Technology-Enhanced and is currently member of the CSCL Committee within the International Society of the Learning Sciences, member of the ijCSCL editorial board and of the steering committee of the European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning.
