Open Educational Resources
Different installations on the Integrated Learning Design Environment (ILDE) host multiple learning design artefacts created by TIDE members, teachers in educational centers collaborating with TIDE, or individual educators. Many of them are shared with Creative Common Licenses.
MOOCs designed and/or produced by TIDE:
- The Neuroscience of Learning for Teachers (multiple languages)
- The Science of Stress for Teachers (multiple languages)
- Blended Learning for Inclusion, Moodle
- Introducció a les Metodologies Makers (Formació online Barcelona Activa)
- Innovative collaborative learning with ICT (Canvas)
- 3D Graphics for Web developers (FutureLearn)
- Concepts and practice of responsible research in education (Canvas)
Other online courses and material produced by TIDE:
- Moodle: dissenya i administra una plataforma de formació online (Barcelona Activa)
See ILDE, ILDE2 and edCrumble for shared designs of learning activities.
See oher MOOCs produced by UPF.