Why do we do these courses / workshops and schools looking for teachers and collaborators?

  • Our team participates in several research projects about technology and education. In these service projects and collaboration with schools and teachers is very important. We believe it is essential to understand the needs, practical implementation and the opinions of teachers regarding technological and methodological advances in this field.

Do I need to bring any material to the workshop?

  • Initially you do not need to carry any additional material to the workshop unless it is listed otherwise in the workshop description.

Are the workshops free?

  • The workshops are completely free, because they are usually associated with research projects.

Can anyone attend to the workshops?

  • Although priority is given to the participation of teachers, the workshops are usually open to anyone motivated.

How can I collaborate with you? How other entities have collaborated with you in the past?

  • Hi han diverses formes de col·laborar amb nosaltres. En el passat hem tingut escoles o centres col·laborant amb nosaltres activament en projectes d'investigació participant en les reunions i posant veu a les seves necessitats. O, sense participar en les reunions, permeten la impartició de tallers de les noves tecnologies en els seus àmbits on s'apliquen les tecnologies i es fa un seguiment.

I would like you were given a workshop at our school, it is possible?

  • We only need to agree with dates and number of participants and we will try to do a workshop at you center.

Are our courses recognized by the Generalitat of Catalonia?

  • Yes, all our courses and workshops are recognized by the Generalitat of Catalonia (Department of Education). Also a certificate of participation will be given to all participants. For more information about the recognition of activities of the Generalitat of Catalonia click here.