Designing blended learning with edCrumble

Designing blended learning with edCrumble


The workshop will allow participants to learn how to design blended learning activities and plan blended learning courses using edCrumble. It is a practical workshop where assistants will work on their computers designing an specific unit of learning and will be able to explore the functionalities of the tool, including among others:

  • generating the syllabus of the course;
  • using a visual representation of the course to reflect on the created design;
  • analysing  the generated design analytics by the tool and purpose possible design improvements;
  • sharing designs within the online community and learn from others;

Links to tools/resources/projects

  • Link to the tool which will be used during the workshop.

Main goal: Introduction to edCrumble, a tool that supports the process of designing blended learning courses (which combine face to face classes with online activities) within a community of educators.

Audience: Teachers in all educational levels, educational designers.

Question/s related to the workshop:

  • How can I design and plan effective blended learning activities?
  • How can I know which are the most appropriate educational tools to use in my activities?How can I balance the in-class and out-of class workload taking into account the use of technology and the face to face interactions?
  • How can I document and evaluate my teaching for later improvement?
  • How can I share my activities and learn from others?

Competencies/Learning Objectives:

  • Teaching Planning and Management Competence: Design, guide and develop content, training and evaluation activities, and other resources related to teaching and learning, so that the results are valued and related improvement proposals are elaborated.
  • Innovation Competence: Create and apply new knowledge, perspectives, methodologies and resources in the different dimensions of teaching activity, aimed at improving the quality of the teaching-learning process.
  • Digital competence: Use an pedagogical online learning design tool which facilitates the planning of blended courses.