Computational thinking in the classroom: programming with Scratch and Makey-Makey
Participants will learn the basics of programming using Scratch, which is a programming environment developed by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) aimed at children and young people in order to foster creative thinking. Scratch uses easy and intuitive bock-based instructions which can be stacked for creating animations, interactive artwork and even videogames. Moreover, participants will learn how to connect Makey-Makey with Scratch to be able to interact with physical devices and create animations, games… which can be controlled by physical objects as plastiline, conductive materials, human interactions, etc. The workshop will provide an space for participants’ developing their own ideas and materials for their classes as well as explore existing repositories related with Scratch resources.
The course will least between 8 and 20 hours (to choose and agree on demand).
Links to tools/resources/projects
- Link to the online tool which will be used during the workshop.
Main goal: Learn the basic principles of programming using Scratch, the physical computing using Makey-Makey and the applicabilities of the computational thinking and creativity in class.
Audience: Teachers in all educational levels, educational designers.
Competencies/Learning Objectives:
- Become familiar with the Scratch environment.
- Explore the potentialities of Makey-Makey devices for foster creativity using physical computing.
- Provide teachers with the possibility to learning and create teaching materials using Scratch and Makey-Makey.
- Promote the computational thinking and assimilation of digital competitions.