Back The next GRITIM-UPF Seminar Series will be a roundtable on the "Drivers of violent extremism among youth: discussion on prevention", on Dec. 3rd at 15:00 to 18:00. See details...

The next GRITIM-UPF Seminar Series will be a roundtable on the "Drivers of violent extremism among youth: discussion on prevention", on Dec. 3rd at 15:00 to 18:00. See details...


The next 2020-21 GRITIM-UPF Seminar Series will be led by M. Bourekba (CIDOB), M. Benseny-Albà (NOVACT), L. Vidal (EIMed) and chaired by R. Zapata (GRTIM-UPF). This session will be a migration debate on Radicalism and Extremism, and it will take place online.

Date: Thursday December 3rd, 2020

Time: 15:00 - 18:00

Place: Zoom Webinar

Title: Drivers of violent extremism among youth: discussions on prevention

Framework: A discussion within the framework of the Horizon 2020 CONNEKT (Contexts of Violent Extremism in MENA and Balkan Societies) project. Focused on young people aged between 12 and 30 from the MENA region and the Balkans, CONNEKT will analyse seven potential radicalisation factors (religion, digitisation, economic deprivation, territorial inequalities, transnational dynamics, socio-political demands, and educational, cultural and leisure opportunities) on three levels (transnational, community and individual) in order to determine their interrelations and specific significance. Through an interdisciplinary team formed by 14 partners from the region, an innovative methodology will be applied that, along with universities and think tanks, involves civil society actors and local authorities to recommend, based on the results of the empirical research, tools and measures to prevent violent extremism that can be applied both to the countries under study and the European Union.

About the presenters:

Moussa Bourekba is a Researcher at CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs) and Associate Professor in International Relations at Ramon Llull University (Barcelona). To continue reading please click here

Mar Benseny Albà, is the Programme Director at NOVACT (International Institute for Nonviolent Action). She is an expert in international cooperation, peacebuilding, human rights advocacy and nonviolence in the Mediterranean region. To continue reading please click here

Lurdes Vidal, is the director of the Arab and Mediterranean World Department at the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), the scientific coordinator of the CONNEKT (Contexts of Extremism in MENA and Balkan Societies) Horizon 2020 EU Project, and editor in chief of the journal afkar/ideas. To continue reading please click here

For the upcoming GRITIM-UPF seminars, please visit this link.