GRITIM-UPF Policy series
GRITIM-UPF Policy Series aims at disseminating outcomes of studies contributing on the making of public policies. The objective is to contribute to the research/policy nexus with a series that can be both a common ground for researchers, policy makers, stakeholders and representatives of civil society committed to the management of immigration and diversity. It will appear at least once a year.
For further information about GRITIM-UPF Policy Series, you can contact Dirk Gebhardt ([email protected])
In addition to the below list, as GRITIM-UPF coordinates the IMISCOE Regional Euro-Mediterranean Research Network on Migration (EuroMedMig), you can find the EuroMedMig Policy Paper Series related to Mediterranean Migration through this link.
2023: GRITIM-UPF Policy Series 12
by Marc Borràs i Batalla
2022: GRITIM-UPF Policy Series 11
Everday Antigypsyism: Diagnosis and Avenues to fight it
by Zenia Hellgren and Lorenzo Gabrielli
2020: GRITIM-UPF Policy Series 10
Family-School Relations and Trust in an Intercultural Context
by Mina Prokic
2020: GRITIM-UPF Policy Series 9
2018: GRITIM-UPF Policy Series 8
Promoting Realistic Expectations: Roma Inclusion in the Catalan Education System
by Zenia Hellgren and Lorenzo Gabrielli
2018: GRITIM-UPF Policy Series 7
by Lorenzo Gabrielli and Núria Franco-Guillén
2017: GRITIM-UPF Policy Series 6
Reception and Inclusion of Refugees: Insights for Catalonia from Canada, Portugal, and Sweden
by John R.B. Palmer and Ricard Zapata-Barrero
2017: GRITIM-UPF Policy Series 5
Trayectorias de jóvenes de origen diverso en Barcelona: Explorando tendencias y patrones
by Dirk Gebhardt, Ricard Zapata-Barrero and Vittoria Emanuela Bria
2016: GRITIM-UPF Policy Series 4
By Ricard Zapata-Barrero
2014: GRITIM-UPF Policy Series 3:
Informe Índice de Gobernanza Intercultural.
By Ricard Zapata-Barrero.
2014: GRITIM-UPF Policy Series 2:
Monitoring xenophobic political discourses. A pilot study in Catalonia.
By Ricard Zapata-Barrero and Gema Rubio-Carbonero.
- Executive summary [English]
- Resum Ejecutiu [Català]
2013: GRITIM-UPF Policy Series 1:
Manual para el diseño de políticas interculturales.
Edited by Ricard Zapata-Barrero and Gemma Pinyol-Jiménez.
- Executive summary [English]