The purpose of the GRITIM-UPF Working Paper Series is to disseminate academic research work-in-progress that contributes to the development of migration studies. The main framework is related to GRITIM-UPF's main priorities: promote multidisciplinarity, research innovation and analysis of processes of changes related to migration and diversity.


GRITIM-UPF Working Papers is blind peer-reviewed, has public access by creative commons, is incorporated in the research publication network of the Catalan Government (Recercat) and you can follow its impact daily. GRITIM-UPF Working Papers are published quarterly.


Editorial Coordinator: Nena Mocnik


Advantages of publishing a Working Paper:

  1. As it goes through a double-blind peer review process, it enables you to have a first objective critical assessment of your paper before its publication.
  2. It offers you the possibility of disseminating your first "argument" and sharing it with a larger academic and non-academic audience.
  3. It is quickly published.
  4. As it is open access with copyright creative common protection, it ensures immediate dissemination online and allows you to measure the number of downloads and visits by countries through our metrics.
  5. It does not preclude subsequent publication in a book or journal as long as you mention the original draft.


Academic Committee:

Lorenzo Gabrielli 
Zenia Hellgren
Iván Martín
Nena Mocnik 
Silvia Morgades-Gil 
Evren Yalaz
Ricard Zapata-Barrero


In addition to the below list, as GRITIM-UPF coordinates the IMISCOE Regional Euro-Mediterranean Research Network on Migration (EuroMedMig), you can find the EuroMedMig Working Paper Series related to Mediterranean Migration through this link.
Number 57 - Summer 2024 - Exploring the nexus between intercultural participation and segregation through an urban intercultural governance lens
Author: Diletta Marcucci (GRITIM-UPF PhD candidate)
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Number 56 - Spring 2024 - Territorial dynamics and local reception of the asylum seekers in rural spaces and small towns.
Author: Rafik Arfaoui (GRITIM-UPF Postodoctoral researcher), Hélène Roth (University of Clermont Auvergne, France), Joséphine Lécuyer (University of Orléans, France) 
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Number 55 - Winter 2023 - Everyday Racism in Everyday Life: Experiences of Racist Interactions in Shared-Cohabited Spaces in Barcelona.
Author: Cristina Rodríguez-Reche (Margarita Salas postdoctoral researcher)
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Number 54 - Autumn 2023 - From acting to activism: unveiling the construction of the distant sufferer: a critical analysis of celebrity advocacy’s representation of the distant sufferer.

Authors: Madeleine Pennington and Cristina Rodríguez-Reche (First Prize of the GRITIM-UPF Best Master Thesis in Migration Studies Award in 2023 and Margarita Salas postdoctoral researcher)

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Number 53 - Winter 2023 - Diversity Mainstreaming Through Intercultural Opening in Policy and Practice.

Author: Carolin Müller (Postdoctoral fellow at the Martin Buber Society in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

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Number 52 - Summer/Autumn 2022 - A case study on the revitalisation of shrinking Spain: Migrant reception in rural areas

Author: Iris Egea (Third prize of the GRITIM-UPF Best Master thesis in Migration Studies award in 2022)

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Number 51 - Spring 2022 - Urban asylum policy in openly conflicting, decoupled migration governance: the case of Barcelona

Author: Jenna Mazza (Fulbright Visiting Scholar at GRITIM-UPF for the 2021-2022 academic year)

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Number 50 - Winter 2022 - “Unscrupulous People Posing as Children”: The Problematisation of Unaccompanied Children in UK Home Office Policy Discourse

Author: Isabel Clifford (Children’s Advisor for the Children’s Advice Project at the British Refugee Council, Winner of the GRITIM-UPF Best Master thesis in Migration Studies award in 2021)

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Number 49 - Autumn 2021 - Welcoming meaning(s). Values circulation between citizens and institutions about migrants’ reception in Barcelona

Author: Louise Hombert (Political Science, Paris Dauphine and GRITIM-UPF PhD Visiting Fellow)

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Number 48 - Summer 2021 - Debordering processes and resilient ontological security at the city level: the case study of Barcelona in perspective

Author: Ricard Zapata-Barrero (GRITIM-UPF, Departament of Social and Political Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University)

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Number 47 - Spring 2021 - Representations of Ethnic Diversity: the Role of Public Institutions for Inclusionary Citizenship Practices

          Author: Zenia Hellgren (Senior Researcher, GRITIM-UPF, Departament of Social and Political Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University)

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Number 46 - Winter 2020 - Governing Diversity in Europe’s Plural Spaces: A Path to New Normativities

Authors: John Erik Fossum (ARENA Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo, Norway), Riva Kastoryano (Professor at SciencesPo Paris), Tariq Modood (Professor of Sociology, Politics and Public Policy at the University of Bristol), Ricard Zapata-Barrero (Director of GRITIM-UPF).

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Number 45 - Autumn 2020 - Immigrants and Native Families in Schools: Reconciling Trust and Diversity

Author: Mina Prokic (GRITIM-UPF Associate Researcher)

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Number 44 - Summer 2020 - Sub-State Identities and Immigrant Integration Policies : The cases of Andalusia and Catalonia

Author: Luca Marano (Master’s Degree in International Security Studies jointly offered by the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies and the University of Trento, Italy)

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Number 43 - Spring 2020 - El Desafío de la Democracia y la Ciudadanía Multicultural en Argentina

Author: Damián Andrés Cantón Gardes (Professor of Ethics, Sociology, Anthropology and Economics at Universidad Siglo 21, Argentina; Visiting Postdoc Researcher at GRITIM-UPF)

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Number 42 - Winter 2019- Qualitative Migration Research Ethics: Mapping the Core Challenges

Authors: Ricard Zapata-Barrero (Director of GRITIM-UPF) and Evren Yalaz (Senior Postdoctoral Researcher at GRITIM-UPF)

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Number 41 - Autumn 2019 - Assembling Borders, Territory and Human Rights in Migration Management Policies

Author: Martino Reviglio (Ph.D. candidate in International Migration Law at the University of Turin, Italy)

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Number 40 - Summer 2019 - Challenging Narratives of ‘Native Flight’ in a Small Town. Reflections on Moral Economies and Space

Author: Martin Lundsteen (Associate Researcher at GRITIM-UPF, and Professor in the Master's program in Migration Studies at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of UPF, Barcelona) 

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Number 39 - Spring 2019 - Mourning Migrants across Borders: ‘Mestiza’ Consciousness and Transmodernity in Tim Z. Hernández’s Novel

Author: Maria Antonia Oliver Rotger (Associate Professor in the Department of Humanities at UPF, Barcelona)

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Number 38 - Winter 2018 - EU Asylum Offshoring: An Analysis of the Limits Imposed by European Human Rights Standards. Can the European Union copy Australia in the offshoring of the asylum function?

Author: Ana Calvo Sierra (Former Master student in Migration Studies, GRITIM-UPF)

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Number 37 - Autumn 2018 - Refugee Protests in Hotspots: A first comparison between Lampedusa and Lesbos 

Author: Alessandra Guida (Former Master student in Migration Studies, GRITIM-UPF)

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Number 36-Summer 2018- Multiple Actors and Incentives for Immigrants’ Civic and Political Participation in Cities: Lesson from Italy and Spain 

Authors: Teresa M. Cappiali (Collegio Carlo Alberto) and Juan Carlos Triviño-Salazar (Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals)

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Number 35- Spring 2018 - Patterns of settlement following forced migration: the case of Bosnians in the United States

Author: John Palmer - GRITIM-UPF, Barcelona.

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Number 34- Winter 2017 - Employment Crisis in Spain and Return Migration of Bolivians: An Overview

Authors: Sonia Parella - UAB; Alisa Petroff -  UAB; Clara Piqueras - UAB; Thales Speroni - UAB / UFRGS, Brasil

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Number 33- Autumn 2017- Foreigners, Citizens and the Tyrannical Edges of the ‘Vox Populi’: Empirical and Normative Evidence from Switzerland

Author: Jean-Thomas Arrighi (University of Neuchâtel)

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Number 32-Summer 2017- Mapping the Qualitative Migration Research in Europe: An Exploratory Analysis

Authors: Evren Yalaz - GRITIM-UPF; Ricard Zapata-Barrero - GRITIM-UPF

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Number 31 - Spring 2017 - An opening process. How newcomers are involved in the cultural mainstream associations in Catalonia

Authors: Marta Rovira Martínez- UAB and UOC; Enric Saurí Saula - UOC

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Number 30 - Winter 2016 - Multilevel inter-regional governance of mobility between Africa and Europe. Towards a deeper and broader externalisation

Author: Lorenzo Gabrielli - GRITIM - UPF

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Number 29 - Autumn 2016 - Providing public healthcare to irregular migrants. The everyday politics and local negotiation of formal entitlements and effective access in London and Barcelona

Author: Reinhard Schweitzer - University of Sussex

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Number 28 - Summer 2016 - Local governance, horizontal coordination and unauthorized immigrants’ status in France and Spain

Author: Flora Burchianti -  Lycée Paul Valéry, France

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Number 27 - Spring 2016 - The Gift of Babel. Multilingualism, Diversity, and Migrants

Author: Darian Heim - GRITIM, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.

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Number 26 - Winter 2015 - Cities and immigrant citizenship. A comparison of local citizenship policies in Barcelona and Munich 

Author: Dirk Gebhardt- GRITIM, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.

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Number 25 - Autumn 2015 - The concept of interseccionality, a contribution to the discussions on the political participation of immigrants: the case of Paraguayan women in the Greater Buenos Aires Area

Author: Lucila Nejamkis- CONICET, Argentina

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Number 24 - Summer 2015 -The Recruitment Mechanism in Spanish and U.S. Guest Worker Programs: Preventing fraud and abuse in worker selection and hiring 

Author: Mariana Minaya- Fulbright visiting GRITIM, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. 

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Number 23 - Spring 2015 -Immigrant Integration as a Two-Way Process: Translating Theory into Practice

Author: Zenia Hellgren- GRITIM, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. 

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Number 22 - Winter 2014 -Comparing the politics behind the immigrant integration laws of Catalonia and South Tyrol 

Author: Christina Isabel Zuber- University of Bremen, Germany. 
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Number 21 - Autumn 2014 -Identity conflicts, human rights and the crisis of multiculturalism in Europe: from politics to the courts 

Author: Neus Torbisco Casals- GRITIM-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. 
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Number 20 - Summer 2014 -Alliances in the resolution of politicized immigration conflicts in the city 

Author: Juan Carlos Triviño Salazar- GRITIM-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. 
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Number 19 - Spring 2014 -Injustice and high skilled "temporary" labour migration  

Author:  Patti Tamara Lenard- University of Ottawa, Canada. 
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Number 18 - Autumn 2013 -Reconsidering the "policy gap": policy implementation and outcomes in Spain 

Author:  Blanca Garcés Mascareñas-GRITIM-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
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Number 17 - Summer 2013 -The three strands of intercultural policies: a comprehensive view. A critical review of Bouchard and Cantle recent books on interculturalism

Author:  Ricard Zapata Barrero-GRITIM-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
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Number 16 - Spring 2013 -Predictors of Political Orientation among US-born Mexican Americans: Cultural Identification, Acculturation Attitudes and Socioeconomic Status 

Authors: Laura P. Naumann (Sonoma State U. California), Verònica Benet-Martínez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) & Penelope Espinoza (U. of Texas at El Paso) 
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Number 15 - Winter 2013 -Reconciling context and contact with immigrants effects: An examination of the Catalan case

Authors: Toni Rodón and Núria Franco-Guillén -Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
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Number 14 - Autumn 2012 - Is there really a backlash against Multiculturalism Policies? New evidence from the Multiculturalism Policy Index

Authors: Keith Banting and Will Kymlicka - Queen's University, Canada
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Number 13 - Autumn 2012 - Immigration and Contested Nation-building: explaining the political salience of immigration in multi-national societies

Author: Fiona Barker - Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
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Number 12 - Summer 2012 - Membership and Internal Democracy. Immigrant organisations in the city of Oslo

Author: Marianne Takle - Group for Migration and Transnationality, NOVA, Norwegian Social Research
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Number 11 - Spring 2012 - Overcoming the ethical dilemmas of skilled migration? An analysis of international narratives on the 'brain drain'

Author: Antonina Levatino (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), Antoine Pécoud (UNESCO & URMIS Université Paris 7, France).
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Number 10 - Winter 2012 - Immigration Controls and the Erosion of Popular Sovereignty

Author: Chris Gilligan - University of the West of Scotland, UK
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Number 9 - Autumn 2011 - The Point System of Selection of Immigrants in Quebec

Author: Núria Franco i Guillén - GRITIM-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
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Number 8 - Summer 2011 - The European Union and refugees: towards more restrictive asylum policies in the European Union?

Authors: Christian Kaunert and Sarah Leonard - University of Salford
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Number 7 - Spring 2011 - Teaching Ethnic Diversity in Journalism School

Author: Teun A. Van Dijk - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
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Number 6 - Winter 2011 - Toleration and the fair terms of engagement with diversity

Author: Mitja Sardoc - Educational Research Institute, Ljubljana
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Number 5 - Autumn 2010 - Gendered Networks and Mexican Migration

Authors: Mathew Creighton - GRITIM-UPF, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Fernando Riosmena - University of Colorado at Boulder
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Number 4 - Spring 2010 - The Externalisation of the Asylum Function in the European Union

Author: Sílvia Morgades - GRITIM-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
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Number 3 - Winter 2009 - "¡Mezquita no!" The origins of mosque opposition in Spain 

Author: Avi Astor - University of Michigan
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Number 2 - Winter 2009 - Introducing diversity in public organisations - diminishing theoretical ambiguity and controversy by empirical research

Author: Anne R. van Ewijk - GRITIM-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
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Number 1- Autumn 2009 - Temporary and circular labour migration : reassessing established public policies

Authors: Ricard Zapata-Barrero, Rocío Faúndez García, Elena Sánchez Montijano - GRITIM-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
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