As of the academic year 2025-2026, this master's program will be offered as a track within the new Master in Governance

Master in Governance

This Master is linked to GRITIM-UPF (Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration).  

Inaugural Lecturem Master in Migration Studies-UPF

On Thursday, 17th October, we celebrated the Inaugural Session of our Master.  We had three excellent speakers, Paolo Cuttitta (associate researcher at IDPS, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord), Lorena Gazzotti (IMEDES – UAM) and Elsa Tyszler (CRESPPA-GTM, CNRS, Paris) who gave a lecture entitled: "Externalisation, violence and coloniality. Questioning European governmentality of borders and people on the move". Lorenzo Gabrielli chaired the session.

Jaume I Building (Ciutadella Campus)
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
08005 Barcelona

 (+34) 93 542 29 04

Info master

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