Name Dissertation Supervisor Date Completed Placement
Gambetti, Luca "Evolving macroeconomic dynamics and structural change: applications and policy implications" Prof. Fabio Canova July 2006 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Ganics, Gergely "Essays in Macroeconometrics" Prof. Barbara Rossi September 2017 Banco de España
García, José Antonio "Stranded-Cost Recovery Payments in Competitive Markets" Prof. Atilano Padilla November 2001  
García-Appendini, Maria Emilia "Financing Small Firms: Lender Relationships and Information Spillovers" Prof. Vicente Cuñat September 2007 Bocconi University
García Gómez, Pilar "Health, Informal Care and Labour Market Outcomes in Europe" Prof. Angel Lopez July 2008 Erasmus University Rotterdam
Garda, Paula "Essays on the Macroeconomics of Labor Markets" Prof. Thijs van Rens June 2013 OECD, Economics Department
Garvin, Nicholas "Essays on Liquidity, Stress and Interventions in Interbank Markets" Prof. Xavier Freixas July, 2018 Bank of Australia
Gavalyugova, Dimitria "Essays on Gender, Development and Human Capital Investment" Prof. LIbertad González and Prof. Alessandro Tarozzi July, 2021 The World Bank
Gavan, Malachy "Essays in Game Theory and
Mechanism Design"
Prof. Antonio Penta May, 2023 University of Liverpool
Ge, Erqi "Essays on the Political Economy of Development" Prof. Maria Petrova September, 2020  Sun Yat-Sen University
Geng, Yining "Essays on Political Economy and Development" Prof. Maria Petrova June, 2019 University of Liverpool
Gerardino, Maria Paula "Essays on the Economics of Development, Education and Violence" Prof. Libertad Gonzalez Luna December,  2014 IDB (Washington)
Ghofrani, Erfan "Essays in Learning Uncertainty" Prof. Vladimir Asriyan and Prof. Albeto Martin October, 2022 ESADE (PostDoc)
Giarda, Mario "Essays in Business Cycles with Household Heterogeneity" Prof. Jordi Galí and Prof. Davide Debortoli September 2021 Banco Central de Chile
Gisbert, Josep "Essays in Financial Economics" Prof. Gael La Mens and Prof. Jose Luis Peydró July 2022 IE Business School
Gissler, Stefan "Essays in Financial History" Prof. Voth September 2014 Federal Reserve Board
Giusti, Giovanni "Three Essays in Experimental Economics" Prof. Hogarth and Prof. Noussair September 2014 Tecnocampus Mataró
Gnocchi, Stefano "Essays on Monetary Policy, Eage Bargaining and Fiscal Policy" Prof. Jordi Galí February 2008 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Golec, Piotr "Positive Influence of Delayed Feedback on Decision Making- Advocating a Lost Case?" Prof. Robin Hogarth July 2005  
Golez, Benjamin "Three Essays in Finance" Prof. José Marin May 2011 University of Notre Dame
Gomis, Roger "Essays on Competition, Financial Structure and Productivity" Prof. Andrea Caggese February 2018 International Labour Organization
González, Raul "Value Creation Through the Exploitation of Knowledge Assets: Economic Implications for Firm Strategy" Profs. Walter García-Fontes & Bruno Cassiman April, 2006 Deloitte
González Chapela, Jorge "Essays on Time Allocation" Prof. Xavier Sala i Martin September, 2004 Universidad de Alicante
Goni, Marc "Essays on Marital Sorting and Fertility" Prof. Hans Joachim Voth April, 2015 Universitat Wien
Goraya, Sampreet "Essays in Firm Dynamics and Misallocation" Prof. Juian Di Giovanni and Prof. Manuel Garcia-Santana July, 2021 Stockholm School of Economics
Greulich, Katharina "Reexamining the Role of Heterogeneus Agents in Stock Markets, Labor Markets and Tax Policy" Prof. Albert Marcet October, 2007 University of Zurich (Postdoc)
Grosskopf, Brit "Social Preferences and Learning in Experimental Games" Prof. Rosemarie Nagel December, 2000 Texas A&M University
Guan, Rui "Essays in Behavioural Economics" Prof. Jose Apesteguia and Prof. Francesco Cerigioni July, 2022 University of Kent
Guasch, Martí "The Economics of Financial Information in Young Firms" Prof. Javier Gomez Biscarri and Prof. Mircea Epure October, 2019 Tilburg University
Gudmundsson, Stefán "Essays in Network Modelling" Prof. Gabor Lugosi July, 2018 Aarhus University
Gulsen, Eda "Essays on Banking, International Finance and Monetary Policy" Prof. José Luis Peydró and Prof. Fernando Broner March 2021 Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Gunes, Basak "Essays on Experimental Economics: Preference Reversal and Networks" Prof. Rosemarie Nagel October, 2009 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Gurguc, Zeynep "Coordination and Conflict: An Experimental Approach" Prof. Rosemarie Nagel October, 2009 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Gutierrez, Angelo "The Macroeconomic Implications of Learning by Shopping" Prof. Jordi Galí and Prof. Davide Debortoli June, 2022 Banco de México
Hafner, Flavio "Essays in Labor Economics" Prof. Albrecht Glitz and Prof. Ruben Enikolopov November, 2020 Aalto University
Hans, Christina "Systemic Risk in the Banking Sector - a Network Perspective" Prof. Christian Brownlees September, 2017 Parami Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Hedtrich, Christoph "Essays on Labor Markets" Prof. Jan Eeckhout October, 2019 Uppsala University
Heineken, Janko "Essays on Debt and Speculation" Prof. Ventura October, 2021 University of Bonn (Postdoc)
Hernández-Pizarro, Helena "Essays on Long-Term Care" Prof. Lopez-Casasnovas October, 2017 Tecnocampus
Herz, Benedikt "Essays on Labour Market Frictions" Prof. Thijs Van Rens February, 2015 European Comission
Heusch, Niklas "Essays in Development Economics" Prof. Robin Hogarth and Prof. Alessandro Tarozzi September, 2018 IDinsight
Hidalgo, Manuel "Essays on Wage Inequality and Human Capital in Spain" Prof. Antonio Ciccone September, 2008 Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Hoesch, Lukas "Essays in Macroeconometrics" Prof. Barbara Rossi September 2021 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Hoffmann, Peter "Essays in Market Microstructure: Inter-Market Competition, Algorithmic Trading, and Call Auctions" Prof. Francisco Peñaranda July, 2011 European Central Bank 
Holthausen, Cornelia "Financial Intermediation in Europe" Prof. Xavier Freixas December 1999 European Central Bank
Hosseini, Rahil "Browsing Through Products and People: Online Review, Ratings, and Swiping" Prof. Gert Cornelissen September, 2020  UPF (Postdoc)
Höynck, Christian "Essays on Inflation Dynamic and Monetary Policy" Prof. Jordi Galí and Prof. Barbara Rossi January 2021 Banca d'Italia
Huang, Jiaming "Essays in Macroeconometrics" Prof. Geert Mesters June 2024 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Huber, Stefanie "Three Essays on the Housing Market and the Macroeconomy" Prof. Jordi Galí June 2017 University of Amsterdam