Olatz Aranceta-Reboredo at Jornades Pre-Doctorals UdG 2023

Paper: “COMPASSION IN (S)PAIN: How Interest Groups' Discourse Contributes to the Perpetuation of Animal Captivity and Exhibition”


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From 12 to 15 June, 2023, Olatz Aranceta Reboredo, Project Manager of COMPASS, presented “COMPASSION IN (S)PAIN: How Interest Groups' Discourse Contributes to the Perpetuation of Animal Captivity and Exhibition” in the VII Jornades d’Ivestigadors Predoctorals de la UdG, JoDOC 2023, as an invited speaker for the inclusion of innovative research ideas from other universities at the program. 

The Doctoral School organises these sessions with the collaboration of the Vice-Rectorate for Research. They took place in a face-to-face format at the Montilivi Campus. The conference aims to provide a space for training, exchange of knowledge, dissemination, and debate between researchers in training at UdG University.