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"Compassion and Interspecies Ethics: A theory of knowledge on the ways social communication conditions humans' perception of the suffering of other animals"

Olatz Aranceta-Reboredo has presented a poster, with Núria Almiron as co-author, on compassion and interspecies ethics. In it, they argue that communication (informative or persuasive) can be ethical and promote the development of compassion while blocking compassion through lobbying must be problematized.


Access all the text and details of the poster (compatible with screen readers) in the following link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFNWPxLgas/oKJWqDCG53eeB5lmQKFYOw/view?utm_content=DAFNWPxLgas&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton


ECREA 2022

For the ECREA 2022 conference in Aarhus, the theme “Rethink Impact” has been suggested as a frame for discussing how research, academic education, and training interact with, impact on and reflect society.

Olatz Aranceta Reboredo (left) and Júlia Castellano (right) stand in front of their posters in the ECREA 2022 poster area.

ECREA - Podcast Van

Júlia Castellano and Olatz Aranceta-Reboredo, board members at the UPF-Centre for Animal Ethics, talked about their research in the Podcast Van at ECREA 2022. As a special feature for rethinking the impact of research, ECREA offered a podcast studio outside of South lake. Both researchers talked about the posters they presented and their experience as predoctoral researchers. The recordings will be published after the conference, and a link will be posted below as soon as the interview is available.

CRITICC Critical Communication Research Group

UPF-Centre for Animal Ethics