En sincronía & "Minutos divulgativos"

I am co-founder and host of En sincronía, a podcast fully devoted to audiovisual translation and accessibility, in which Damián SantilliGuillermo Parra and I interview experts in the field and present our personal sections devoted to translation technology ("Laboratorio audiovisual", by Damián), current subtitling practice ("Subtítulos con carácter", by Guillermo), and research dissemination ("Minutos divulgativos", by myself). The podcast is available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and many other streaming platforms, including YouTube.



Catalan Association for the Promotion of Accessibility: Quarterly bulletin

I am the research coordinator of the Catalan Association for the Promotion of Accessibility (ACPA). One of the main aims of the association is to build bridges between academia and society, so that advances made in research in the field of accessibility, with emphasis on the work on media accessibility in Catalan universities, is better known by the end-users of accessibility services, who we understand to be the society in general. One of the actions I coordinate at ACPA is the publication of a quarterly bulletin that tries to meet this specific objective of the association. You can find all of the previous bulletins by clicking on ACPA logo below.

Logo of ACPA, where the last A is the international symbol for accessibility (a human with arms open), whose head is a simple maze.



  • 360upf, Visions: Interview: "Past, present and future of Translation and Language Sciences" (2023) [with Esther Tallada]
  • elDiario.es: Interviewed for article (2023)
  • Diari de la Discapacitat: Article (2023) [coauthored by Sergi Torner]
  • Las quedadas de ATRAE, episodio 9: La accesibilidad: Roundtable (2020)
  • Diari de Barcelona: Interviewed for article (2020)
  • UPF website: Dissemination article about scientific publication (2019), report about PhD extraordinary prize (2020)
  • Aula Magna: Interview (2015)


Other material and activities

  • Co-organisation of 6x15: El juny de l'accessibilitat and participation with a short talk: "Com fer accessible un espectacle o festival" (28 June 2024).
  • Talk "Cap a un món més accessible" at the school Institut Escola Llibertat (Badalona) in the framework of #100tífiques, organised by the Catalan Research and Innovation Foundation & the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (8 February 2024).
  • Participation in Smart City Expo 2023, with the presentation "Making universities smarter. Higher education for all" (8 November 2023).
  • Co-organisation of 15x15: El novembre de l'accessibilitat and participation with three short talks: "Què és l'accessibilitat i qui en són els usuaris?" / "La subtitulació: què, per què, per a qui?" / "L'accessibilitat als entorns formatius" (3-17 November 2023).
  • Organisation of a 4-hour activity entitled "Continguts digitals per a tothom: la recerca sobre accessibilitat a les universitats catalanes" at CosmoCaixa Barcelona, in the framework of Researchers' Night 2023 (29 September 2023).
  • Participation in Pentagon UPF 2023, with a short talk about my participation in #100tífiques (19 April 2023).
  • Participation in a workshop to raise awareness about the importance of accessibility research at Saló de l'Ensenyament (Barcelona), organised by the AccessCat knowledge transfer network and hosted by the Catalan Research and Innovation Foundation (15 March 2023).
  • Talk "Cap a un món més accessible" at the school Escola Canigó (Sant Just Desvern) in the framework of #100tífiques, organised by the Catalan Research and Innovation Foundation & the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (10 February 2023).
  • Participation in round-table about service-learning projects at Fira UPF Solidària (19 October 2022).
  • Organisation of "Com definim les paraules noves?" in the framework of Festa de la Ciència, Barcelona (2022) (competitive call).
  • Chair of round-table about accessibility users at the professional meeting of Festival Inclús: Festivals diversos, públic divers (26 November 2021).
  • Organisation of "Si no hi veiessis" in the framework of Festa de la Ciència, Barcelona (2019) (competitive call).
  • Infographics presented at the online conference #HispaTAVencasa (20 November 2020), with full alt text. Click on the image for further information. Full version and reference: https://repositori.upf.edu/handle/10230/49038

Resumen de datos a la derecha, sobre el total de títulos, 20.661: Menos del 3% del contenido está audiodescrito en español. Alrededor del 80% del contenido está subtitulado, mayoritariamente se trata de subtitulación interlingüística, no de subtitulado para sordos. Menos del 2 % del contenido está interpretado en lengua de signos española. En la infografía se muestran los totales de títulos audiodescritos, subtitulados, con subtitulado para sordos e interpretados en LSE en cada plataforma. Por orden de mayor a menor catálogo: Filmin:	0 (AD) / 6169	 (subtitulado) / 0 (SPS) / 0 LSE. Total del catálogo: 7712. Prime video:	10 (AD) / 4000 (Subtitulado) / 593 (SPS) 0 (LSE). Total del catálogo: 4970. Netflix: 179 (AD) / 1735 (subtitulado) / 179 (SPS) / 0 (LSE). Total del catálogo: 3975. Movistar+:	260 (AD) /	1667	(subtitulado) / 806	(SPS) / 242	(LSE). Total del catálogo: 1667. HBO:	0 (AD) / 1276 (subtitulado) / 0 (SPS) / 0 (LSE). Total del catálogo: 1276. Disney+:	0 (AD) / 	813	(subtitulado) / 0 (SPS) /	0 (LSE). Total del catálogo: 1017. AppleTV+:	44	(AD) / 44	(subtitulado) / 44	(SPS) / 0	(LSE): Total del catálogo: 44.  Nota final: Datos de noviembre de 2020 sobre servicios de accesibilidad en español y lengua de signos española. Estos resultados son orientativos. Solo AppleTV+ y Prime Video ofrecen filtros de búsqueda específicos; Netflix lo ofrece para audiodescripción y subtitulado. En los demás casos, los resultados se basan en el análisis pormenorizado de una muestra aleatoria de los títulos de cada plataforma.					 Los totales del catálogo se basan en los datos recogidos en JustWatch.com.