Atrás 29/10/20 Seminari GLiF, a càrrec de David Blunier (University of Geneva) i Giorgia Zorzi (UPF)

29/10/20 Seminari GLiF, a càrrec de David Blunier (University of Geneva) i Giorgia Zorzi (UPF)

Títol: "Ellipsis, indexicals and role shift in Catalan Sign Language: the role of QUD" a càrrec de David Blunier (University of Geneva) i Giorgia Zorzi (UPF)



Data: dijous 29 d'octubre del 2020

Hora: 12.00 h

Lloc:  En línia, amb Collaborate


Resum: In order to report an utterance, sign languages make use of a dedicated construction known as role shift (RS), where the signer embodies the matrix subject to report the content of an embedded clause (Quer 2005, Herrmann & Steinbach 2012, Schlenker 2017). As in many spoken languages, indexicals such as I, you, here and now can be "shifted" under role shift, and thus, interpreted against the context of the reported utterance. Recently, the interpretation of indexicals under RS has been used to probe into various ellipsis phenomena (Cecchetto et al., 2015). The present study aims at investigating the interaction of stripping with RS in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Our data supports the following claims: i) role-shifted indexicals in ellipsis sites allow for both strict and sloppy interpretations, and follow general economy constraints that regulate binding under ellipsis in spoken languages (Fox 2000, Büring 2005, Roelofsen 2011); ii) available readings for the pronouns in the elided clause with a role-shifted antecedent are sensitive to the Question Under Discussion (QUD, Roberts 2012), providing evidence that ellipsis resolution is highly sensitive to pragmatic requirements.



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