Atrás 10/10/19 Sessió formativa GLIF a càrrec de Laia Mayol (UPF)

10/10/19 Sessió formativa GLIF a càrrec de Laia Mayol (UPF)





GLiF training session on LaTeX (Laia Mayol, UPF)

Data: dijous 10 d'octubre del 2019

Hora: 11.00 h

Lloc:  sala de reunions 52.701 - 7a planta edifici 52. Roc Boronat - Campus del Poblenou - UPF


Recordatori per als participants:

Since the sessions entail a lot of practice, it is highly recommended you to bring your laptops. You will also need LaTeX working on your computer for which you have two options: you can either use Overleaf which is an online text editor where you have the option to use LaTeX coding, or you can install LaTeX in advance.

Installing LaTeX might seem a bit difficult at the first time, but if you end up deciding to use LaTeX, it is definitely worth having it on your computer. First, you will have to install a LaTeX distribution (depending on which operating system is running on your computer). To create LaTeX documents, you may use any text editor such as Notepad/Notepad++ (Windows), gedit (Ubuntu) or TextEdit (Mac), or you may install a more advanced one. You can find some instructions here: 

Note: Installing LaTeX is entirely optional, you can participate in class using Overleaf.



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