Atrás 19/12/18: Seminari de Recerca a càrrec de Martina Wiltschko

19/12/18: Seminari de Recerca a càrrec de Martina Wiltschko



Seminari de recerca a càrrec de la professora Martina Wiltschko, actualment a la UBC (Universitat de British Columbia), que s'incorporarà com a investigadora ICREA al nostre departament el proper juliol. 
Títol: "It is not the language but the speaker that we want to understand" 
Data: dimecres 19 de desembre 2018
Hora: 16.00 a 18.00 h
Lloc: aula 52.323 - 3a planta edifici 52. Roc Boronat - Campus del Poblenou - UPF
Ens oferirà un seminari de recerca, que anirà seguit de col·loqui. Hi haurà cafè i pastes. Hi sou tots benvinguts. 

In this presentation I will provide a broad overview of my work to date and where I see it developing in the context of my tenure at UPF.
My work thus far can be characterized as an attempt to identify the core-building blocks of natural language and how they allow for variation. It is thus at the core of the generative enterprise, namely to understand what about language is universal and what varies. I explore this on the basis of the categories languages make use of. The model I develop (the universal spine hypothesis) provides a solution to the tension between the generative assumption that there is a universal grammar and the typologist’s observation that the inventories of categories differ so radically across languages that the assumption of a universal grammar is untenable. 
My solution lies in the idea that language-specific categories are constructed based on language-specific units of language and core abstract functions that are hierarchically organized (the universal spine).
Over the past few years I have worked on extending the spine to the language of interaction, i.e., units of language that are used to manage common ground updates as well as turn taking. This allowed me to develop a framework within which systematic cross-linguistic investigation of discourse markers is possible.
Having identified several layers of functions, including some that are responsible for the language of interaction, the question I wish to address next is the relation between the (extended) spine and human cognition more generally.



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