Atrás CANVI DATA I HORARI: 18/10/17: Xerrada a càrrec de Helen Tager-Flusberg

CANVI DATA I HORARI: 18/10/17: Xerrada a càrrec de Helen Tager-Flusberg



Xerrada: Explorations in the Development and Neural Bases of Language in Autism Spectrum Disorder a càrrec de Helen Tager-Flusberg, PhD, Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Director of Center for Autism Research Excellence Boston University

Dia: dimecres 18 d’octubre del 2017 - NOVA DATA

Hora: 18.00 h - NOU HORARI 

Lloc: Aula 52.023 - planta baixa edifici 52. Roc Boronat -  Campus del Poblenou - NOU ESPAI



There is enormous variability in the language outcomes of children with ASD – from minimally verbal to intact linguistic knowledge.  Over the past two decades, significant progress has been made in parsing this variability, investigating the relationship between language in ASD and in other disorders, and understanding the developmental progression and neural foundations for language from infancy through adulthood.  In this presentation the professor Tager-Flusberg will discuss what we currently know about language in ASD taking a developmental perspective, and then outline future directions for research.



ODS - Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
